• Chapter 44

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For the rest of the afternoon, Rick somehow managed to keep Molly's mind distracted from everything that happened in the cafeteria. The two of them sat up on the bleachers for the rest of the school day. He made her smile just from simply being himself. He made her laugh with stupid jokes and stories, doubting that anybody else could've in the moment. He held her close to him, shielding her from the cold and making her feel safe. He kissed her sweetly and gently, making her feel so cared for and adored. She couldn't believe how he managed to make her feel. In her eyes, Rick is surreal.

Once school was over, Molly and Rick waited a couple of minutes for everyone to leave before he stood up and gently helped her to her feet. He led her down the steps, grasping her hand in his. The two of them walk alongside each other back to the school quietly. Molly couldn't help, but lean her head on Rick's shoulder in comfort. He turned his head and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead as they reached the front of the building.

Before heading inside the school, Rick turned around towards Molly, causing her to nearly bump into him. He smiled gently at her before leaning down and kissing her one more time. Her eyes fluttered shut as she reached down to clasp his other hand, pulling him closer to her as they kissed. When they pulled away, Molly's heart was fluttering so fast she thought she might pass out.

"Thank you for being there for me," Molly smiled up at him, her voice a little shaky and breathless.

Rick smiled back before squeezing her hands reassuringly and promising, "I'll always be there for you."

Molly nodded her head before taking a moment to look at him. She couldn't shake all of her feelings for him. She cared for him so much, it made her chest ache. She felt herself suddenly becoming nervous, the butterflies in her stomach making her feel almost nauseous. Rick seemed to sense something was on her mind as he looked down at her concerned and asked quietly, "What is it?"

"Nothing," She quickly replied as she shook her head while moving her gaze down to her feet.

Her cheeks began to flush as one of Rick's hands came up to gently hold the side of her face, making her look up at him, "Tell me. What is it?"

"Um," She began to say, trying to get her thoughts back together. As he gazed down at her, she was convinced her heart was going to fall out of her chest. She let out a shaky sigh, trying to calm her nerves. Finally, she managed to continue quietly, "Rick, I l-"

Suddenly, Rick let out a sudden hiss in pain, causing her words to falter. Her eyes widened as his hands came up to grip the sides of his head, stumbling back away from her. Molly rushed over to him and grabbed his shoulders, "Rick?! What is it?! What's wrong?!"

Rick didn't answer her right away. Molly watched him worriedly as he took a few deep breathes to calm himself down. Once he was able to meet her eyes, he just shook his head slightly before trying to assure her, "Nothing. It's just, uh, a headache."

Molly didn't believe it was just a headache. She just reached up and brushed some hair away from his forehead as she quietly spoke, "Rick, that's the second time this has happened today. What's happening?"

"Nothing. I'm just not feeling well today," He quickly responded, but Molly knew he was lying.

"Rick, is it the hourglass?" Molly finally deadpanned. When he didn't answer her right away, that immediately told her she was right. She knew they never should've taken that Limiter out of the hourglass. How could she have been so stupid to let him do that? She couldn't help herself. Her hand began to quickly reach out to his waist as she started, "You need to take that hourglass off-"

"No!" Rick quickly snapped, backing away from her. Her eyes widened in shock, her hand dropping back down to her side. Did he just... get mad at her?

Molly looked at him confused, feeling her heart beginning to crack. She tried to take another step towards him, "Rick-"

Daydream || Rick Tyler [DC's Stargirl]Where stories live. Discover now