• Chapter 37

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Just so you all know. VERY LONG chapter ahead, but don't worry... it'll be worth it (;


The rest of the night was a total shit show.

If a plan could ever just follow through correctly, Molly would be so proud. However, when her and Rick arrived at the Pit Stop, Courtney was informed by Mike that Cindy came by and told Sylvester everything about the Crocks. Molly wasn't surprised at all. Cindy Burman going behind the JSA's back? That's not anything new.

Afterwards, Sylvester went to investigate at the Gambler's trailer. He was attacked and in the hospital. Courtney and the rest of her family are there with him right now. Molly couldn't help, but be a little shaken. If Sylvester was almost taken down by the murderer, then they could easily get to somebody else on the team.

Currently, Molly was sitting on her bed, skimming through the book The Shade left her. It contained all sorts of notes about when he first mastered his abilities. Even though she was still upset that he left, it was very useful that he left this for her. Maybe she could figure this out on her own after all.

While she was skimming, she was also on a three-way phone call with Rick and Yolanda. However, she wasn't really paying attention. It was mainly just her two friends talking while she partially listened. She was more focused on figuring out this book than anything.

"Molly?" She suddenly heard Yolanda's ask, breaking her from her thoughts, "Are you still there?"

Molly quickly sat up to act as if she's been paying attention, even though she was really by herself in her room. She began to stammer, "Yeah, I-I'm here. I just... I just still can't believe we're dealing with this. I just still don't understand who would actually go through with murdering the Gambler?"

"It's not about who killed the Gambler anymore, Molly. It's about who almost killed Starman," She heard Rick reply, his voice already sending her some sort of comfort.

At the same time, Molly and Yolanda let out shaky sighs. There was a moment of silence before Yolanda asked them, "Do you guys think they're going to target the rest of us now? Maybe it's an old JSA enemy like Eclipso?"

Suddenly, Yolanda's mother could be heard calling for her in the background. They heard Yolanda gasp before quickly whispering to them, "I've got to go. Bye, guys!"

Yolanda quickly hung up the phone, leaving just Molly and Rick on the phone. Her mind immediately began to flutter back to that afternoon at school. The way Rick looked at her. The things he said to her. The way he held her. The way his lips barely brushed hers. She started blushing thinking about it.

"Do you want to get off?" She heard Rick ask her, but his tone indicated he really didn't want to.

Thankfully, she didn't either so she replied, "No. I'm just thinking."

"About what?" He asked her.

Molly hesitated, biting her lip in thought. Then, she closed The Shade's book and set it to the side. She began to fiddle with her blanket as she asked, "Do-do you think the killer is going to target us now?"

Rick didn't respond for a moment. Then, she heard him answer, "I don't know. Are you scared?"

Molly couldn't help, but laugh slightly as she asked, "Would I be much of a hero if I said yes?"

"It's okay if you are. I think everyone is a little scared, especially since Starman was attacked," Rick pointed out, but it still didn't help the fact that Molly felt wrong for being a little scared.

"I just don't want anything happening to any of us. I don't want any of us getting hurt... or worse," Molly admitted while running her fingers through her hair.

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