Hatori didn't wish for that to happen, but there was something more that was going on with her. She knew he wouldn't wipe his memories. They made a deal. But like he thought, she had something going on behind the scenes.

"Anyway", he turned to Shigure, "Aren't you going to visit Akito. I thought that's why you came today."

"Oh I tried....", he glanced back at the pair. " I did get an earful though. My attitude leaves something to be desired. And to think she chose Kureno."

Audrina finally opened her eyes at that. She side glanced to him. Kureno was the entire reason they got into their weird weird relationship. That's what she assumed at least. Kureno being close with Akito, had them close as well.

"Everyone is allowed to have favorites.", Hatori mumbled. "Even the God."

Audrina's phone started ringing. She glanced at the screen and saw Kieran's name. Her narrow eyes were locked on the screen as it rung. And Hatori secretly was waiting for her to answer. This only further pushed his assumption that there was something else going on.

"Your not going to answer?", Shigure hummed. Audrina rolled her eyes and pressed decline.

And she didn't respond to Shigure's taunt. Instead she went back to staring out at the door. "Where were you Hatori?", she whispered.

"Nowhere you assume.", he spoke lowering his head.

"Oh I didn't assume anything.... I was told.", she had sharpness in her tone. But she heard herself. And there was no reason to sound cruel. She sighed once again, and mumbled her final statement, "Leave him alone."

"See I understand.", Shigure sat up, "Even Audrina has her select favorites. But tell me Hatori, do you ever get a feeling about Kureno. Something that sets him apart from the rest of us."

She looked up, removing her hand from her forehead and looked to him. He knew. Shigure knew something she didn't and as much as she was willing to make Akito upset, she never had a true reason behind it other than the fact that Kureno and Akito were close. And to rile her up, getting with Shigure was an option to which would rule her anger. The jealous feelings having Shigure drawn to her. But he never explained why Kureno was closer to Akito.

And she never got the chance. Akito hardly let Audrina or anyone for that matter around him. So as much as she attempted to talk with him, she never got the truth. And he looked back at her. "You don't accept it do you?" The turned his head to the back of Hatori's head.

"You fickle boy."

"Your the last one I want to hear that from."

Shigure chuckled and leaned him arm against the table. Audrina continued to gaze at him with a bothered demeanor. He met her eyes and smiled with his eyes closed.

"I remember repeating the phrase to someone in particular. I'm weak and utterly worthless.... Psychotic some may say. The worst kind of man."

Her eyes widened for a split second. Repeating her words and never could she guess that the other words were other by Akito. The other party to play.

"Maybe you should consider a change", she mumbled, "You'd probably be more endearing for her."

"Endearing you say", Shigure rose his eyebrows. Audrina regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. And to that she got up, said her quiet goodbye and left. To go back to the house she slept in for another drawn out day.

"You're dying to ask her.", Shigure whispered. Keeping low to prevent her from turning back around.  Hatori only looked beyond the door, at the woman who has been slowly fading away. And now it's more than ever.

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