Chapter 34

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Over the next several weeks, Bucky tries to go back to his life the best he can. He speaks to Steve everyday, but it always ends with Steve asking him when he's coming home and he always responds with I dont know. He can't fully commit to just saying no outright. He needs to make sure that this is the right decision for him for the right reasons. The girls have been very supportive, but hey haven't had another tryst since that first night, only kisses. Kelsey's been busy with her practice and Nat got a new case that is taking up a lot of her time. He's returned to the bar and Lois told him what happened with Steve. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that." "It's fine sweetie. I've been there." He mostly sticks to the back as he really doesn't want to be around tons of people at the moment. "Lois, could you meet me in the office when you get a free moment?" "Sure." She finally gets a break and she knocks on the office door. "Come in." She comes in and Bucky gestures for her to sit in the chair. "Close the door." She closes it and nervously sits down. "Lois, I've been mulling some things over and I want to start by saying that I have been so lucky to have you all these years." "Your welcome honey." "I want to offer you to be a partner." "Partner?! What..why?" "You've been loyal, great with the customers, and you're not afraid to stand up to Captain America." The last one makes them both laugh a little. "You ran this bar for a month with no input from me and it showed me I can leave this in your very capable hands. I need to take a step back and figure a few things out." "I don't know what to say. What will I be doing?" "Essentially, I'm turning into a silent partner. You control everything. The hiring, salaries, prices, everything. I can help out if you need me, but I have a feeling you won't need me." Lois is overwhelmed and lets her tears fall. "What's the salary of this?" "Well, as the owner, you can pay yourself whatever you want really. I will be giving you a bonus to jumpstart the process. Do we have a deal?" Lois starts to really cry and she hugs Bucky hard. "Yes! I accept! When do we start?" "As soon as you want. I can have the paperwork done within a week." "I'll start asap! Oh thank you James! Thank you!! I won't let you down!" She gives him a big bear hug and she joyously goes back to work. Feeling a weight lifted off him, Bucky finishes up and heads back to Kelsey's condo. On the way, he sees a vendor selling flowers. He stops and takes a look at what she has. "¿Hermosas flores para bella dama?(Beautiful flowers for beautiful lady?)" He picks up ten red roses. "¿Puedo tener estos en dos ramos de cinco?(Can I have these in two bouquets of five?). "¡Por supuesto!(Of course)." He pays and thanks her. He arrives and makes his way to the door when he hears a noise. He turns around and Sam is behind him. "Sam, what are you doing here? How did you find me?" "I followed you from the bar. So you live here now? I didn't know that the bar business was so lucrative." Bucky was about to retort when he glances behind Sam. "It's not, but being a shrink is." Sam turns around and sees Kelsey with a pile of folders in her arms. "Kelsey McCollum." "Romanoff. My name is Kelsey Romanoff." "That's right. Steve told me you two were hitched." Kelsey makes her way to the door as Bucky unlocks it. "Won't you come in?" "Love to." He follows Kelsey as Bucky shuts the door. "Wow." "Don't drool on my floor Sam Wilson." Bucky snickers as Kelsey yells at Sam from the office. Bucky puts the flowers on the counter and offers Sam a drink. "Can I get you a drink?" "No thanks." "So why are you here?" "Look, I don't what happened between you guys but Steve is a wreck. You need to talk to him." "I do talk to him. Everyday. And I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell him everyday. I don't know when I'm coming back." "Bucky come on man, you two are endgame." Kelsey comes back, grabs a water bottle and sits on the couch. "Endgame? What are you, twelve?" Sam gives her a stern look. "This doesn't concern you. They were fine till you came back into the picture." "No it wasn't Sam." "What do you mean?" I realize I was more of a possession of his than his equal. I mean, we were more like roommates than a married couple." "Bucky." "No, Sam. If, and that is a very BIG if, I decide to go back, it will be on my time, when I feel I'm ready. Kelsey watches as Sam sighs loudly and makes his way to the door. "Please think about it Bucky." He gives Kelsey one more dirty look then leaves. 

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