Thor chuckled, "And I thought you liked tricks." Thor laughed again as he turned to walk off.

Hela just smiled at the sarcasm Thor just threw at Loki.

At the original meeting Thor was holding with his comrades, Fandral had asked Thor what he was planning to do to get Jane out of Asgard's security. Sif decided she would help with that.

Jane and Sif met up with Thor while Loki stood beside him. Jane pointed at Loki.


Loki smiled proudly at himself, "I'm Loki. You may have heard of-"

Suddenly, Jane slapped Loki across his face.

Jane said sternly, "That was for New York."

Loki smiled and looked at Thor, chuckling. "I like her."

"Who's this?" Jane asked, looking at Hela.

"Hela, Goddess of Death," Hela introduced without smiling as she crossed her arms in front of her.

Jane looked at Hela in fear as Hela still had her sword drawn. Hela realised this as she smirked, loving the fact that she was feared.

Once again, back at Thor's meeting with his comrades, Sif asked what to do about the All-father. Heimdall stated it was his sworn duty to report to Odin of any crimes against the throne.


Odin visited Heimdall as Odin was accompanied by some of his guards.

Odin spoke calmly, "You called me here on an urgent matter. What is it?"

Heimdall simply said, "Treason my lord."


"Mine." Heimdall drew out his sword and at the same time more guards interrupted them.

An Asgardian lieutenant quickly said, "My King, the mortal has been taken."

Odin looked at Heimdall as he commanded his guards, "Stop Thor by any means necessary."

Hela, Thor, Loki, and Thor's comrades heard guards rapidly approaching.

One guard shouted, "There they are! Take them. On my command."

Sif looked at Thor and then the guards. "I'll hold them off. Take her."

"Thank you," Thor said as he and Jane went off.

Loki went to follow them as Sif drew her sword and placed it under Loki's throat.

Sif threatened, "Betray him and I'll kill you."

Loki chuckled, "It's good to see you too, Sif."

"Interesting threat," Hela commented as she and Loki left to join Thor and Jane as the guards got closer to Sif.

Hela, Thor, Loki and Jane met Volstagg where Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace.

Volstagg quickly said, "I will give you as much time as I can."

Thor and Volstagg did a forearm shake.

"Thank you my friend."

As they walked towards Malekith's crashed ship, Jane smiled and nodded at Volstagg. Then, as Loki was about to follow Thor and Jane, Volstagg stopped him.

Volstagg said in a low voice, "If you even think about betraying him-"

Loki turned to face him. "You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line."

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