Thirty - Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

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"So, that's it?" Ken beamed. "You'll do this for us?"

I shrugged, handing him the Battle of the Bands flyer Michelle had given me earlier that day. Ken let out an exasperated breath and leaned over his locker in an attempt to calm himself down. I didn't realize how big of a deal this was for him.

"Well—" I began to explain myself but was cut short by Ken's enthusiasm.

"Apollo, I'm so happy—"

I shook my head and said, "I didn't say I'd do Battle of the Bands. I just meant I'll think about it."

His head perked up and he said, "But you acknowledging me means it's a good sign, right?"

"I'll let you know after we play Jackson's concert."

Ken nodded as he patted my shoulder. "We're pretty good at putting a set together at the last minute, so don't worry too much about Jackson's concert." He continued to ramble on about the practice times before our performance, and I spaced out until a blond mop of hair came into view across the hall.

Amory was placing his books into his locker, not taking any notice of us. He was getting ready to leave as he slung his blue duffel bag over his shoulders.

"Apollo?" Ken asked, waving his hand in my face.

I turned my attention back to him and mumbled, "Huh?"

"It's alright," he said, glancing over at Amory. "I'll DM you the details and meeting place." Ken squeezed my shoulder and grinned as he walked away.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked towards him. It took him a moment to realize I was there as he rummaged through his locker. He frantically pushed aside crumpled up papers and food wrappers around his locker.

There was something serious in his features as he chewed on his bottom lip and scrunched his eyebrows.

"Hey," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. He flinched away until he realized it was me. His eyes widened and the serious look on his face vanished, replaced by his embarrassed grin.

"Hey, I didn't think you were still here. Classes ended like an hour ago," Amory explained.

"Yeah," I said. "I stayed in the library to do something for a history paper."

Amory nodded, shutting his locker.

"What about you? You were digging through your locker," I said.

Amory shrugged and said, "I was supposed to turn in my math homework. But I don't know where it is..."

I nodded. "It might be hidden underneath those food wrappers."

Amory rolled his eyes and adjusted the strap of his bag. "You're not allowed to judge my locker. I already let you talk me into cleaning my room."

I shrugged and poked his duffel bag.

"Soccer season is over, isn't it?" I asked, nodding at the blue bag.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I forgot this in my gym locker. It needs to be washed, or else I won't have any clothes for indoor track."

"Let me carry that for you," I said, taking the strap off his shoulder. He smiled as I carried his bag in my hand.

Amory turned away and mumbled, "I hate doing laundry. I wanted to just leave it there, but Mr. Vincent said—"

I reached for his hand and pulled him into an empty hallway, he tilted his head and grinned at the sudden action. I gently pushed him against the lockers, glancing around the hallway to make sure there was no one in sight.

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