14 | jealous

399 29 50

10:24 pm


"GOOD afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone on Air Canada, flight 86A. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side, we are expecting to land in Hyderabad approximately 5 hours ahead of schedule. The weather in Hyderabad, India is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates, we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight." Abeer was awoken from her deep slumber by the pilot's announcement. She rubbed her eyes open and gazed at Arham with a sense of wonder. He was fast asleep with his lips parted, making him look peaceful and youthful, almost like an angel. Abeer felt the urge to squish his cheeks, as he looked so soft. However, she managed to control herself and kept admiring him silently.

It had been a total of 19 hours of the couple travelling to the destination of their honeymoon, which is no other than their hometown; Hyderabad, India. Abeer loved the airplane feeling, she was excited and took loads of pictures of everything to record as a memory.

She covered Arham with a blanket as his head hung, he definitely would get a neck cramp, the girl thought.
Abeer slowly placed a pillow on the headrest of his seat, which made him cuddle into the seat, looking ad adorable as a baby.

Abeer admired the peaceful sky, which seemed to be imitating Arham. She couldn't help but appreciate Allah's beautiful creation every time she looked out the airplane window. A grateful sigh escaped her lips as she scanned the airplane, suddenly wanting a cup of coffee.

"Miss, would you like a cup of coffee and chocolate cake?" asked the air hostess with a food trolley, who looked around her age.

Abeer passed a smile to the lady as she replied, "yes, please" it was as if the universe could feel her craving to have coffee right now. "Alhumdulillah" She whispered, thanking her lord for his abundant blessings.

(praise be to god)

"here is your piping hot coffee and chocolate cake" The air hostess placed a tray on her table; trying not to spill it on the man sleeping beside her like a log, her husband.

"Thank you so much, hang in there" Abeer tooth-smiled and showed a thumbs up at the air hostess, which made the air hostess smile back at her gratefully.

Abeer tried to move forward to (literally) inhale the ever-so-ravishing-looking cake in front of her, but couldn't do so because of the pillar, aka her husband sleeping on her, now.

She bent over to his armrest and inclined his seat so he could sleep better. Then, slowly lifted his head off of her and laid him on the seat not before supporting him with a pillow, he snuggled into the seat, again; making her pout at his cuteness.

She took multiple pictures of her insanely adorable husband and the food before finally helping herself to the delicacies in front of her. She played DDLJ, which was her recent watch. Then, laid back onto the comfortable seat and sipped on the coffee while having pieces of the cake along.

The coffee and the cake were now in Abeer's tummy, she had also completed the movie she was watching. She unfastened her seatbelt, and stretched her limbs; a soft moan escaping her lips in the process. She felt the need to use the washroom, and so she did.

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