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05:22 pm


IT was a beautiful day for the two families, the Syeds and the Khans. They had just finished a delicious and filling lunch. The women of the family were gathered in the main hall while the men were playing carrom on the lawn.

Sarah, Arham's mother called him and requested him to go to the guest room where Abeer was waiting for him. She explained that they were supposed to have a conversation about their preferences and interests to get to know each other better.

"Arham, please put a smile on your face at least. Aisi shakal banare jaise mardete bachari ko. Don't scare off the poor girl. I like her, and I promise you; she will be the best wife for you." She patted her son's arm, then continued, "Noora ko bhool jao, meri jaan. She was never meant for you. Allah has opened a new chapter for you, enter it with a positive attitude."

(You’re making a face as if you’ll scare the poor girl away)

Sarah's comforting eyes looked at her son, who had an emotionless expression on his face. Sarah was aware of the relationship Arham had with Noora, and to what extent it had gone.

But what she didn't know was their relationship had gone to almost extreme depths; if it weren't for Allah, he would've crossed that line and committed a huge sin, adultery. If he hadn't had a wake-up call, that is. And, which is why Allah is the best of planners; truly.

He simply nodded at her and walked to where Abeer was. His steps were heavy, each one a reminder of the past he was trying to leave behind. He took a deep breath, his mind a swirl of conflicting emotions.

As Arham opened the door to the room, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of Abeer sitting there. She looked like an angel, sitting gracefully on the one-seater sofa, her modest attire accentuating her natural beauty. Her hijab framed her face perfectly, and her eyes, deep and expressive, were focused on her hands that were gently clasped together in her lap. He couldn't take his eyes off her, and as he cleared his throat to catch her attention, he felt an unfamiliar rush of emotions flooding his heart.

At that moment, he felt an array of unknown emotions filling him. He wasn't sure if it was crazy iblees getting to him or if it was something else entirely. His heart raced, and he felt a warmth spread through him, a stark contrast to the cold, empty feeling he had carried for so long.

"Assamualaikum," he greeted, his voice surprisingly steady despite the turmoil inside him.

Abeer looked up, her eyes meeting his, and he saw a mixture of shyness and strength in them. "Walaikum assalam," she replied softly, her voice like a gentle melody that soothed his restless heart.

For a moment, there was silence, and Arham found himself lost in her eyes, wondering how someone could possess such calm and grace. He realized he had been staring and quickly looked away, trying to gather his thoughts.

"Please, sit," Abeer offered, her voice breaking the silence. She gestured to the chair opposite her, and Arham nodded, walking over and taking a seat.

Arham observed the girl's quivering hands and sweat-drenched forehead, indicating her extreme nervousness. Talking to a man for the first time with the possibility of it leading to marriage was a daunting experience for her. Despite receiving proposals, her parents refused them, citing her young age or unsuitability of the proposal. Arham sensed that she was a kind-hearted and gentle girl, and he wanted to make her feel at ease. He smiled warmly and took a seat opposite her, hoping to start a conversation that would break the ice between them.

Abeer found herself struggling to start a conversation with the person in front of her. She stuttered as she nervously asked, "H-how are you?" Despite receiving compliments from her peers about her outgoing and friendly personality, she always felt awkward in social situations. The person in front of her responded kindly with, "I'm good, alhamdulillah. How are you?" Abeer could feel her hands shaking uncontrollably, and she knew that her anxiety was getting the best of her. He was concerned as she was visibly shaking like a leaf on a windy night. Any kind person would be worried about that situation!

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