10 | past

310 24 10

08:00 pm


THE air was filled with palpable excitement as the two sisters celebrated their walima. The venue was adorned with beautiful decorations and the happy faces of the guests illuminated the room. Children ran around, creating a lively and chaotic atmosphere. The grooms couldn't take their eyes off their beautiful brides, who looked utterly breathtaking in their stunning outfits.

Abeer's breathtaking cream-coloured gown was fit for royalty, adorned with intricate designs that only added to her already enchanting beauty. Arham looked no less than a prince in his off-white suit, and the couple looked absolutely charming together.

Khushboo and Rehan were seated on the stage, engaged in light conversation with their guests. Meanwhile, Arham and Abeer were busy meeting Arham's friends, who were teasing him and acting surprised that he had finally settled down. Abeer stood there laughing, enjoying the sight of her usually composed husband being flustered.

As Abeer excused herself to fix her hijab, she met her mother in the hallway, and beside her stood a tall and familiar figure. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something was gnawing the insides, telling her something was wrong.

"Abeer beta! Dekho kon aaye India se, yaad hai tumko ye kon hai?" Khadijah smiled wide as if feeling like the happiest woman on the whole planet as she gestured to the unknown man.

(Abeer child! Look who has come from India, do you remember who it is?)

Abeer felt confused, she didn't look at the face of the man. For some reason, she felt scared, frightened even. Abeer shook her head in decline, making Khadijah chuckle.

"Yeh, Muraad hai! Ring a bell?" Khadijah said, not knowing what a ruckus she caused in her daughter.

(this is muraad!)

The said man was looking at Abeer, capturing her beauty with those sinful hazel eyes of his. She felt unsafe, although her mother was right there with her. She scanned the room for any signs of her husband. She felt her breathing fasten and prayed for a panic attack to not occur.

Abeer's heart sank as she nodded at her mother. She knew she couldn't stay any longer, but her mother caught her arm before she could leave, a warning look in her eyes. Abeer couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her. Her mother's tone changed completely as she reminded her that Muraad had come from India just to attend her and Khushboo's reception, and she couldn't even be bothered to talk to him. Abeer felt her breath catch as she realized what was coming next. She looked around the room with helpless eyes, desperately searching for a way out of this situation. As her mother left them alone, Abeer couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness wash over her. She knew she had disappointed her mother and the thought of it made her heart heavy.

As Abeer looked at her mother, she couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal. Unwanted memories flooded her mind, causing her head to ache and her hands to shake uncontrollably. Her eyes widened in fear as she struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. It was as if the floodgates had been opened, and there was no stopping the onslaught of emotions that came crashing down on her. Despite the pain and confusion she felt, Abeer tried to remain strong, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Not right now, not in front of him. She didn't want to seem weak.

Ya Allah madad

She put on a straight face, a mask; which she was great at. She nodded at her mother. "M-mumma I need to go, Arham must be looking for me" She tried to excuse herself to leave. Just as she put her foot on the ground to leave, her mother caught her arm, a warning look in her eyes. Oh hell no.

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