"Woah, woah, slow down. Raise up your hands if you want to ask a question."

The auditorium quieted down and hands were raised. Some were even wiggling their fingers.

"You. Girl in the back with the creepy boy." 

Peter swears he heard Captain America saying to 'not call random people 'creepy'. But anyway, MJ stands up and places a hand beside her mouth, making it louder.


Black Widow smiled a little before snatching the microphone off Tony's hand.

"Well, I don't get any protests since it's extremely obvious that I could put them in a coma. And even if they do, I have a few techniques that will-" And she began a 10-minute rant on how other women can also hold their own against men with little to no difficulty.

"Okay, next question please." Black Widow said, finally putting an end to her rant.

Hands rose up again and Tony chose Flash.

"I'm Flash-" "EUGENE!" "Thompson and my question is for Tony Stark. What is it like being a superhero?"

"Well, Flash. It was-" And another 10 minutes went by with Tony describing his experience being a superhero.

Unknowingly, an hour passed by, and only a quarter of the auditorium's questions were answered.

"Okay, we have time for one last question before we go on our tour."

The people who weren't having their questions answered were desperately waving their hands, attempting to get a chance. Just then, Tony spotted the creepy boy at the corner. Then he realized that he never asked a question, nor raised his hand.

"You! The creepy boy. Why haven't you asked a question yet?"

The whole auditorium froze and shivered in fear, of course, it didn't go unnoticed by the Avengers.

Peter sighed and shut his book, keeping a finger in between the page that he was reading, and stood up. "Have you ever noticed that whenever you 'saved' New York, no one cleans up the damages done to the city itself? What's the point of saving a city when you can't even keep it in one piece?" His tone gave out a creepy vibe and the students in the room were not even sparring a glance at him.

As expected, the Avengers were frozen. It wasn't certain if it was his tone or the question but it looked like they were questioning themselves.

"If you don't fucking mind, I'm leaving this hellhole and going back to the library."

After he said that, he walked out of the auditorium, leaving the students inside sighing in relief.

"Does anyone know who that is?" Tony asked and only MJ rose her hand.

"His name is Peter Parker. He's the apparent, 'Quiet kid' in the whole school. And he's crazily strong, having beat up multiple gangsters at once who was trying to mug him."

There was only one question flowing through the Avengers' minds. Who was this kid?


"Peter Parker, please come over to the front desk, I repeat, Peter Parker, please come over to the front desk." The PA system announced. Peter was having a good time in the library and that one announcement ruined his peace. Peter, annoyed, stood up from his seat and walked over to the front desk and saw the Avengers there, waiting for their tour guide.

Peter rolled his eyes in annoyance before walking over and grabbing the white flag laid on the desk.

"I don't want to introduce myself and I don't want to talk. Ignore everyone except the surroundings and make sure to read the labels of the classroom as I will not be speaking during this tour."

Peter held the flag while walking down the hallway, which was filled with students chatting, talking, and silencing themselves when Peter walked by them.

The Avengers looked at the boy, who seemed harmless, and looked at the students around him, who had terror filling their faces. They were confused as to why they were afraid of the seemingly harmless boy who, they admit, was a little creepy. He's like a teenage boy version of Natasha.

"Hey, creepy boy," Clint called from behind. "What's the big deal with all of them? You look like you couldn't even hurt an fl-" Clint was cut off when a book hit his groin, causing him to collapse on himself and fall to the ground with tears running down from his eyes.

The said 'creepy boy' stared daggers at Clint before collecting his book and kept on walking. Cap carried Clint while the rest followed the boy. Soon enough, they entered a classroom named 'Chemistry'.

"And if we- Oh, it's the Avengers. Welcome to our school! This is the Chemistry class and my students can show you what they are working on."

The Avengers looked at Peter, who just made a 'shoo' gesture and they scattered, visiting different tables while Clint was trying to recover from the hit.

He checked his watch. 10:30. They have 10 minutes before they need to go.

He leaned on the wall and continued reading, that was until his watch rang.



They visited different classes, doing simple things such as asking the students, watching the lecture, and just simply having a tour. They were on to the last section of the tour, which was to visit the library.

They entered the Library, which was peaceful and quiet. 

"No wonder Peter likes it here," Natasha murmured to herself, looking around the large, eerie room.

"Take a look around, borrow some books, kill some time. This is the last section anyways." Surprisingly, Peter spoke, with an additional smile on his face. It wasn't too large, but it was visible.

The boy sat on a beanbag and continued reading his book, a tiny smile hanging on his face. He looked so peaceful when he isn't trying to kill anyone with looks anyways.

Of course, the Avengers took a picture before looking around the library. 


The bell rang and the students were flying out of the hallways. The Avengers walked out of the library and walked out of the school. 

"Thank you for having us here, we might visit next time!" Steve yelled before getting in the car.

Everyone was yelling out their goodbyes and frantically waving their hands while the black car drove away. But even though they left the school, they couldn't get the boy out of their heads.

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing him again," Natasha said.


Hi! sry for this late chapter, the original plan for this chapter was for Peter to go intern at SI but I just started writing things that I don't even know.

Well, good week everyone, try to not hate school but u might anyways. Bye!

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