Talking is Hard

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Little!Nonverbal!Dream. Dream feeling sad and lonely since George is overseas, but Sapnap is there to help too, and maybe it's better again

Me projecting?? Pfff, no of course not.

Little!Dream CG!Sapnap

Now Dream liked to think that he was a good little, really. And he liked to believe that good little's didn't bug their caregivers.

Especially when your caregiver is a whole timezone apart from you, and you can never remember what time it would be for him.

But Dream was fine, he could handle it.

Which is how he ended up here, feeling sad and lonely. George said he went to bed a little bit ago, so he couldn't bring himself to message him.

He could go to Sapnap, but he doesn't feel verbal. It's why he liked George being his main caregiver, he didn't feel verbal often, and messaging over discord was easier than talking.

And texting on a phone while sitting or being near who you were texting felt awkward to him, which was further reason not to pursue Sapnap.

But he's lonely and sad still, and he still wants someone.

So he decided to make a form of nest, put on a George video, and cuddle up with his axolotl plush, bee plush, and wolf plush.

Before he finally settles in the nest of soft blankets, he changes into loose and comfy pajama pants, his hoodie that was three sizes to big for him, and fuzzy socks.

Then he considers himself set, and finally settles in his nest.

Hearing his caregivers voice through the video makes him feel a bit better, giggling lightly at some of the bits added in and the jokes.

But he still wants another actual person, and suddenly he feels all alone again.

Even with his caregivers voice, his three favourite stuffies, and a comfy nest. He still wants another person's touch.

He still wants hands running through his hair, someone to tell him that he's a good boy, and he whines softly and tears up.

After a few minutes he finally gets up, and seeks out Sapnap. Even if he's nonverbal, he's certain he can get Sapnap to understand.

He checks the living room first, then the kitchen, then he peaks into Sapnap's streaming room just barley from the hallway, and he still doesn't find him.

He decides on Sapnap's bedroom last, and lightly knocks on the door, nervously chewing on his hoodie strings. Not having found Sapnap quickly makes him feel worse about it, like it was the universe's way of calling him annoying.

After a few minutes the door opens, Sapnap being pulled away from editing. "Whatcha need, Dream?" he asked, not entirely realizing the other was regressed.

Dream wordlessly and gently headbutted the man, not sure how to convey he wanted attention. He hadn't even brought his phone to type it.

Sapnap was confused, but lightly ran his hand through Dream's hair. "Are you okay?"

Dream stilled, unsure of how to answer.

Physically? He was fine.

Mentally? He was lonely and wanted some form of physical attention.

So he whined, pouting as he tried to figure out how to answer.
It was complicated and he truly hated it.

Sapnap was confused, but remembered George mentioning it to him in idle conversation once.

"Sometimes he just gets nonverbal. He'll still want to call and be able to see me and have me talk, but he'll be really small and nonverbal. And he'll be really clingy, so if he comes to you I'd suggest just babying him and being there."

It wasn't super official sounding, and George was definitely half asleep, but it sounded like it fit.

So babying in this case probably meant nicknames, making sure he was comfy, and trying to lull him to sleep.

It was fairly late.

Sapnap cooed softly, already knowing what Dream liked as far as nickname and everything.

(this was found out unintentionally, but Dream liked being called princess. Princess or baby, no inbetween.)

"It's alright, princess. I'm here." He said with a soft smile, gently running a hand through Dream's hair.

He gets a happy whine in return, telling him that he had guessed right. Well inferred, but technical were overated.

"How about I make you some hot cocoa and we get comfy, Hm?"

He did know Dream preferred hot cocoa in the fall and winter over angel milk, since it was colder outside.

Dream nodded eagerly at the idea, smiling. Maybe getting Sapnap wasn't a bad idea.

Sapnap gently picked Dream up, holding the other on his hip as he carried the other to the kitchen.

He went ahead and made the other a bottle of hot cocoa. He hummed softly as he finally finished, taking Dream to his room.

He noted the nest and the next George video that had autoplayed, humming some as he got them both settled in the nest.

They spent the night cuddled up comfortably while watching George videos, Sapnap often just idly chatting to Dream and generally being there.

It was nice having Sapnap there even if George couldn't be yet.

MCYT Age-Regression (Solo) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin