Forced Actions

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Angst. Take it. Now.

Little!Dream Toxic!CG!Sapnap

TW: Unsympathetic!Sapnap, Manipulation, Cursing, some Verbal Abuse, some Physical Abuse, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cigarettes


Dream was always a man of mystery.

Hidden behind a mask, never showed any emotions, and yet he always seemed so sad and stressed.

During the disc wars nearly no one saw him. Tommy did, and Sapnap did.


Dream was sat in an armchair in his base, cup of long cold coffee on the side table next to him. There was a book sat in his lap, open with words on it.

A plan. A plan that Sapnap came up with, and Dream hated it. He had to be a douche, he had to hurt Tommy and start wars for what? Fucking music discs.

Sapnap came in the room, grinning as he sat next to Dream. "You like it?" he asked, gesturing to the book.

Dream felt physically repulsed at it, but shook his head. "Not really..."

Sapnap frowned. "Oh? Do you want to change it? Maybe change what all you do to him?

Dream frowned. "Why are-" he coughed, still feeling repulsed at the idea. "-you bothering again? It's a couple of discs that we can get ourselves.."

Sapnap's smile easily shifted to a glare, set firm on Dream. "I would explain it, but you wouldn't fucking get it. Given you can't even read and follow directions you're clearly too stupid to understand."

Dream just frowned, closing the book and standing up. "....I'll go practice...."


Dream sat on his bed, the book sitting on his nightstand as he stared at his own hands. He wondered if they were his anymore, if he was a puppet.

He laid down, letting his mask slip down onto the ground. His emerald green eyes slipped shut finally, going to sleep. His safe space.


Dream was just waking up from a nap, having woken up thanks to his memory/dream ending, he was small and honestly wanted some positive attention for once. Nothing much special, just a head pat would do.

So he got out of bed, grabbed his small plush and went to go find Sapnap.

His plush was old and tattered, as all his little things had been burned.

By Sapnap.

He said it was so no one would find out.

Dream just broke a rule and hid his bunny.

So after giving the bunny a gentle hug he put it back in its hiding place.

He went out to the kitchen, where Sapnap was leaned against the counter talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah, yeah." Sapnap said, taking a drag from his cigarette and carelessly blowing the smoke towards the cabinets.

"Like I said, Quackity. I know where Dream is and you can come with Sam to take him in the morning. He's pretty much defenseless, it was pretty funny seeing Techno carry him here after they got away though."

Dream's anxiety rose and In a panic he rushed over.

He tugged Sapnap's arm semi roughly, causing the phone to fall and the screen to crack. Before the ravenette could grab it, Dream stepped on it as hard as he could, breaking the device.

He yelped as Sapnap roughly shoved him into the nearest wall, immediately curling in some on himself and scooting towards the table.

"you fucking brat!" Sapnap said, his tone sounding somewhat like a growl.

Dream brought his arm up to block a hit. Sapnap always hit when he got angry, at least he wasn't drunk this time.

Sapnap grabbed the first thing he saw and threw it at the wall against Dream, he meant to hit Dream but sucky aim.

It was a glass wine bottle, he had finished it last night. So it shattered and glass went everywhere, some cutting Dream and sticking into the wound.

Before anything else could happen, Dream got up and ran to his room, slamming and locking the door quickly.

He slid down it and sobbed, grabbing his bunny and clutching it in a death grip.

Sapnap was banging out the door, yelling insults and demands to open the damn door.

After a half a hour of that, Sapnap finally left as Dream just sobbed and clutched onto his bunny.

Everything hurt. The glass was sticking into cuts it made and it burned.

Before Dream could do much of anything, he just fell asleep and curled up.

Sleep would save him. Sleep was safe and safe was good. 

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