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Requested By: pumpknhead15

L!Dream CG!Foolish and Puffy

TW: mentions of scars, mentions of prison, mentions of mistreatment

Be lucky they specified fluff bc I could make this so angsty-

Dream had wondered for what? Hours? Days?

Nowhere felt safe.

His small arctic hut was found by Quackity, forcing him to just dash with virtually nothing aside from the clothes on his back, a few baked potatoes and a couple torches.

He wasn't sure where he was. He had quickly ducked and hid out of the arctic and to a dessert.

A very baren dessert.

Now he hadn't properly regressed since before prison.

Had he regressed in prison?

Yes. He just slept, not wanting to stay awake and miss his caregivers/family. He was suffering enough as is.

He sighed softly, letting himself slip into headspace.

That was a bad idea. Now he was mentally 3, his feet were sore, he was all alone and he wanted someone.

So he huffed and pouted, angrily kicking the sand and sticking his tongue out at it. As if the sand actually did him wrong somehow.

Now Foolish was on his way back from his mining trip, having gone to get gravel for concrete. When he saw a figure in the distance he thought it was Ant.

Groaning he pulled out his sword, slinging the bag of gravel over his shoulder so he'd have a free hand to fight, given Ant's recent annoyances and tendency to kill him.

As he got closer what he saw his little brother, looking distraught and pouty.

Part of Foolish wanted to be mad. Be mad at Dream for everything he did to everyone. Kill his brother there and then, rid everyone of the annoyance.

But a bigger part of him had desperately missed his little brother. Wanted to cuddle him, spoil him and baby him. Just let him be little and relax again.

Guess which instinct he went with?

Sheathing his weapon he walked over, humming gently as he carefully set a firm, but unharming, hand on his shoulder.

Dream jumped, spinning around quickly and backing away from Foolish. Great, his older brother was going to kill him or drag him back to Sam. Both would be the same result.

"S-Sorry.." Dream bit back a whimper as his head spinned, fuzzy and scared. "I-I'll l-leave.."

Foolish frowned, huffing. "You don't have to leave. C'mon, I want to see my little brother!" he said with a smile, keeping his happy and peppy tone as he hugged Dream.

Dream paused, mind doing a whole 180. Now he was very fuzzy, not feeling very big and his older brother were right there.

Foolish noticed this, the way Dream's stance shifted to unsure and confused and he seemed unsure and nervous. "Cmon, Dre. If nothing else than come back and eat and get a change of clothes?"

Dream unsurely nodded, clinging onto Foolish as he fully slipped, just wanting some type of comfort.

He didn't care if it was a trap, if he was just going to give him back to Sam to be publicly executed. If nothing else he got a few minutes of comfort and getting to be held before he died.

(fml, now I kind of want to write ghost Dre Agere-)

Foolish just smiled, not honestly minding. He gently held his brother close as he started the walk to Puffy's house.

He knew he shouldn't, but he knew she missed his little brother. If anything he'd bolt and hide with Dream, who would be stupid enough to mess with a demigod just to kill someone?

After a long walk, he avoided the nether for the little's safety and fear of a panic attack if he saw lava, he finally made it to Puffy's cabin, smiling some as he could see she was home, by the horse tied up.

He walked up to the for, knocking gently on the door. He glanced down at his sleeping brother, smiling some as he was sure by the bags under the other's eyes he hadn't slept in years.

Puffy didn't take long to open the door, pausing some. "Foolish? Why is Dream with you? Did anyone see you?" she asked rapid fire, ushering him inside very quickly.

Foolish went inside, shutting the door behind him. "I found him in the dessert near L'Sandburg looking pouty and confused. And no, no one saw me." he said.

Puffy sighed, humming. "Go and change him into something comfy for little him. I'm going to make something light for him, he looks like he hasn't eaten in days.." she said with a frown.

They both split up to do the tasks assigned, Puffy's thoughts racing with questions.

Did Sam know he was so malnourished?
Did he even care?
Why did Dream have is many scars?
Why did all his wounds look untreated?
How was he out?
Should she tell Sam?

"I'm back." Foolish said, breaking Puffy out of her thoughts and causing her to look over.

Foolish had sat in one of the chairs with Dream in his lap, in a hoodie, shorts and bandages.

Puffy frowned softly. "What should we do, Foolish? We can't take him back, he'll be killed and he was clearly mistreated in there! But if either of us keep us with him and someone finds out it'll put both of us and him in danger." she rambled as she poured some soup into a bowl before putting it in the microwave

Foolish hummed softly as he pet Dream's hair gently. "He can stay with me at L'Sandburg. No one would try to harm a demigod just to kill someone."

Puffy nodded softly as the microwave beeped, pulling the soup out of it and blowing on it gently

The beeping woke Dream, who whined as he stirred. He cracked his eyes open and blinked confused when he saw Puffy and a welcoming environment instead of the lava and obsidian of his cell.

Puffy smiled softly, gently kissing Dream's forehead. "It's okay, love. Me and Bubba will take care of you.." she reassured, gently holding a spoonful of soup up for Dream.

Dream happily ate the soup, just smiling as he finally realized that for once he was safe.

Truly safe..

(I'm trying to finish up my drafts so I can finally go requests and get out of this slump of, omfg I never wanna write)

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