Take another step of faith

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"A minimum?" Order questioned, his eyebrows lifting in surprise.

"How did you create us?"

"Using the tip of my index finger," This statement caused a silence among the other gods as they glanced at one another.

Quickly other gods rushed to stand behind Iam, and he shook his head. Most of these so-called gods only sided with him because of his power.

But at this point, across from him stood Zeus, Dionysus, Athena, and Poseidon.

"And such falls the python of the gods," Iam shook his head again.

"I'm still king!" Zeus shouted as electricity danced across his skin.

"Athena, take out your spear and attack!" Zeus ordered. Athena took in a deep breath and prepared for her attack. With a battle cry, she charged forward. Iam waited and waited until Athena's spear was at arms reach to capture the blade of the spear. Athena gasped as Iam's palms glowed brightly. His eyes glowed white as he looked into her gray eyes filled with fear and regrets.

"Goodbye, Athena." He whispered. A thin stream of power traveled across the spear and made contact with Athena's skin. A rippling scream escaped her throat before Athena vanished in her spot.

"Poseidon!" Zeus shouted, turning to his brother. Only to see his brother's eyes widen before he disappeared from where he stood. Zeus turned to face Iam.

"You're all alone, Zeus, and I haven't even moved a centimeter from this spot,"

Zeus shouted and struck bolt after bolt. Trying his best to hard his target as anger consumed him.

"You lost," Iam's words echoed in Zeus' head before a bolt of pure energy struck him dead. Everyone watched as Zeus vanished. Not a single trace left of the former king.

Iam finally moved and shifted to face all the gods standing behind him.

"I am creation, kneel and seal me as your creator," His voice resonated throughout the land, calling out to all his creations. Above everyone's head, Images of other worlds appeared, with creatures of all kinds kneeling or bowing. Only the humans remained unaffected by the truth, once again remaining oblivious to the reality of the universe.

The gods followed the example of the others and kneeled, sealing Iam as the creator. Pleased at this sight, Iam turned to Artemis.

"Artemis, join me and stand by my side." Everyone gasped as Artemis rushed over to her husband and reached out for him. Iam wrapped his arm across her waist and pulled her closer while burying his nose against her neck. Artemis pulled him into a closer hug, and a moment later, he pulled back and looked at her with pride.

"You will now become the mother of the universe at this moment since you are my wife before all else. The skies everywhere belong to you," The crescent moon above her head glimmered.

"Your previous hunters are up to you to decide their fate, my wife,"

"Now, for the remaining gods, I order you to go and care for your offspring. They have fought in your name long enough. Monsters will feed from the earth and take nutrients from Gaia herself. There is no more need for bloodshed,"

The audience erupted when Iam waved his palm, and Medusa appeared in the middle. Silence fell over everyone once again.

"You are my most loyal servant, and I have seen how life has been unfair to you, so as your reward, I now return your beauty."

Medusa's body began to glow, and the crowd watched in awe as Athena's curse broke.

Previously repulsive skin now had a strawberry tint, scars gone, and no flaws in sight.  The snakes on Medusa's head fell off. Now they were able to form an individual body. Soon, the snakes slithered away. Medusa's transformation was almost complete.

Now, on her scalp grew beautiful brown locks of hair with golden strands that sparkled in the sunlight and reached her lower back.

Those eyes that once turned people into stone now resembled the bounds of earthly love with a honey glow. She was so beautiful that even Aphrodite was envious of her body as it returned to a youthful state. Iam smiled and nodded toward Medusa as a beautiful white tunic covered Medusa perfectly.

"Perfect!" Iam commented as he looked at Medusa with pride.

"You deserve happiness," Artemis spoke up, looking at the former Gorgan and then at her husband.

"Now, I have a question for you," Medusa looked at her master as he asked her a question.

"What are you going to do now?" Medusa's eyes grew teary as she bit her bottom lip and pondered over the question.

"I want to get married," She responded and turned to glance at the immortals behind her.

"As a mortal woman,"  Iam frowned at this and glanced at his wife. Artemis looked interested in Medusa's request. It was odd, especially with someone who's had such a horrible experience.

"I know, but I want to find someone who loves and cherishes me. I've craved affection for so long now. Finally, there is an opportunity for me to go seek it out,"

"Then we wish you the best of luck," Artemis encouraged, but Iam could only muster up a mumble as an agreement. Artemis nudged his side, and he agreed.

Turning his gaze away from his friend, he said, "I'm sure you'll find it." He was disappointed to have lost her after all these years.

"You're one of the kindest souls I've ever met, despite your title and position. You cared for me during my worst." Medusa slowly disappeared as she looked around before closing her eyes. Averting her chocolate gaze from view.


The demigods all watched in awe. The throne room was silent for a few moments before a loud cracking caused audible murmurs and whispers. To everyone's surprise, the throne of the dead gods began to crumble. As soon as the pieces fell at the feet of the demigods, they all fell silent.

"There is no more king of Olympus," Luke said in surprise, ending the silence short.

"What's going to happen now?" A young demigoddess asked. Everyone began to murmur once more.

"You all get to live normal free lives." Iam's voice resonated. Demigods broke into a frenzy of panic as they created a path for the immortals to walk through.

Luke looked at Iam and frowned. "You have a familiar aura to you," Iam laughed, stepping closer to Luke. "Why is that son of Hermes?"

"I don't know," Iam gave a slight shrug before turning to look at the hunters that stood in the back of the throne room.

"Girls, go with Artemis. She is waiting for you at the campsite."

"Sure will," The hunters responded before rushing out.

"As for you demigods. Today, you are all free to live your lives as you please. No more meaningless wars. Or even the fear of being eaten by monsters."

Everyone broke in a chatter of excitement, and Luke glanced at Chaos and Order, who now stood beside their father.

"We lost," Order stated, looking at his father with understanding.

"We never had a chance," Chaos backed up her husband's statements. Iam stayed silent and turned away from them as he slowly walked over to the ruble.

In a quiet movement, he passed his hand over the ruble, causing the stones to rise and form new thrones. Within seconds, a new council of chairs formed in a circular motion all around the throne room. In total, twenty new thrones lay in a curved position. Their heights and appearances were the same. None was better than the other.

"These thrones only choose people with pure hearts." Iam smiled and glanced at Luke.

"One council that deserves to inherit everything."

"Go and sit, Luke Castellan," Luke hesitated before slowly stepping closer to the thrones.

"Take another step of faith," Those words echoed loudly in his head as he took another.

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