All unlocked

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Percy watched closely as Medusa's figure disappeared, closed his eyes, and took a deep, slow breath before exhaling, the breeze brushing gently across his skin. Percy reopened his eyes, which beamed with awareness.

'I am not Percy Jackson, and I ask that you forgive me, Sophia. and to my friends who have supported me throughout this lifetime." Iam turned back to look towards the direction of the camp.

Each night brings new dreams and memories, as everything he had once desired to achieve rekindled with a burning passion. Iam stood up, determined to achieve his older goals, and set himself to achieve new goals.

Iam rose his arm up into the air, hovering it over his face.

'The rest of my memories, I must unlock those hidden gems first before setting anything into motion,' Iam thought, as a spark of light from his palm slowly worked through his forehead and into his mind. 

Iam groaned in pain as his head began to pound and ache, as his memories played in scenes before him which swirled like a whirlwind. He stood deathly still and watched in amazement at everything he had forgotten, Sad and happy memories, causing agitating moments of emotion.

Before he could even register what was happening, a shriveled scream passed through his lips before he curled his lips shut from the pain.

The world around him seemed to have stopped as everything appeared to have frozen in place. A deafening silence consumed him as he breathed out harshly. 

Suddenly from his body escaped a large flash of light that sent a shockwave outwards, and in mere moments, ancient powers returned into the universe, restoring what had disappeared.

The creatures of earth rejoiced. Their creator once again felt the connection to the ancient powers that once created him flow into his existence. Humans could feel a difference in the surrounding atmosphere, but unlike the creatures, they continued behind the mist, as they lived in ignorance.

Iam gasped as he clutched his chest feeling the humming power through his body. Everything rung in his ears as he struggled to adjust to the overwhelming feeling of immortality settling into his body once again.

Within his blurry vision, he noticed a silhouette of a person approaching rather quickly. His vision focused more carefully. He then realized it was Sophia rushing to him in a panic.

"Percy!" Sophia exclaimed as she quickly came to a halt and noticed that the person in front of her was not Percy. Instead, a man standing tall at 6'8 stood before her.

A strong flow of power gushed out of this man. His vision sharpened towards the direction of Sophia. Iam's eyes glowed with the colors of the universe, and his pupils displayed a halo of aquamarine in their iris.

Sophia gasped in surprise and took a step back, hesitating to approach further. The man standing in front of her opened his mouth to speak, only close it and press his lips into a thin line.

He took a sharp turn and faced the other way, giving Sohpia a perfect view of his beautifully toned back. "Who are you?" Sophia asked as she looked around for clues on the location of her brother.

Iam laughed, confusing the goddess, as Iam staggered towards her with confident steps.

"He's here," Iam responded, smiling at her, only causing Sophia's eyes to widen in surprise as she recognized the carefree grin anywhere.

"No way, you're not my brother!" Sophia exclaimed in defense.

Iam stopped moving and looked at her as his foggy mind cleared and his senses returned. He paused to think for a moment, silently questioning whether he should explain everything to the new goddess.

Sophia could only watch as his eyes calculated his words before he spoke to her in a gentle tone.

"I am- or better explained was Percy," Iam's gaze glossed over thoughtfully as he slowly shifted his body weight onto his left leg and turned his body towards her.

Not believing the words that Iam spoke, Sophia took a menacing step forward only to feel her knees collapse beneath her as his power forced her down.

"Let me ask you, new goddess, who created the universe?" Iam looked at her with a knowing expression.

"Chaos and Order," was her response. Just as Iam expected, Sophia's answer disappointed him before he grimaced and gave a disapproving tsk.

"I'm not surprised you answered wrong. That is a question even Athena would answer incorrectly," Iam responded, as he became quiet for a few seconds before sitting on the ground in front of Sophia.

"The power crushing you right now is the same power that created Chaos and Order, even the dirt beneath you." Sophia coughed in surprise and tried to lift her gaze to look at the man, only to find herself forced down even more.

"Zeus only got to where he is because I helped him in his little war with Chronos. It's funny. Apollo would be the one to cause me to sleep and then awake as a demigod. Funnier than that, the son of the disgusting sea god!" Iam exclaimed as he placed his hands over Sophia's shoulders, helping her stand on her feet.

The strong force that pushed down at her disappeared as Iam once again hid it from the earth.

"Now that I exist, even my children who have called themselves creators are aware of it. Today Sophia, you are exposed as a being, born to be a bridge. Tell the hunters that you found Percy Jackson dead; he will lay at your feet today. Remember, Percy Jackson, the person that you knew no longer exists. He was nothing except a fiction of the imagination."

Sophia looked up at Iam, only to see sympathetic eyes staring back at her. Sophia realized that her brother was indeed gone. Her brother, Percy Jackson, Hero of Olympus, was slain by "The Creator" on this very day.

"Please forgive me for hurting you with the pressure of my power, but I needed to make you understand who I am," Sophia sniffled and took a step away from him.

"I'll do what you ask of me, but I will fight against you because you threaten my friends, my family!" Iam could only smile as he nodded and let her go.

"You're free to try and put up a fight, but I'm not Chronos, Gaea, or any other primordial. I am Creation itself," That hung in the air as Sophia soon found herself all alone in the forest with a recognizable body lying at her feet.

Percy Jackson was found dead by her feet as Sophia crumbled and cried out, attracting the attention of the hunters and even Artemis herself. All rushed and gathered around the young man, surprised by what they saw. Percy laid dead.

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