Man of grace

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Chapter 4 - Man of grace

"Power reigned from the sky,

Odds set to twenty, twenty,

wisdom and seas unions collide,

Madiens vritue course to set,

eyes of stone set a path,

north to west phantoms the guides,

felines roar meets the master of all."

Everyone's eyes landed on Apollo, one of the many gods. Artemis his twin sister looked at him with a look of disbelief.

Zeus listened to the prophecy and turned to his most trusted daughter, Athena.

"What does it mean Athena?" All eyes turned to the goddess of wisdom, who was just as stunned by the prophecy as everyone else.

"I believe the first line refers to you father," Athena quickly responded after noticing all the odd looks from the other gods. Zeus nodded, rubbing his chin as he looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"Ah yes, the sky is my domain after all. it makes sense," Athena nodded and got a thoughtful look on her face as she scrunched the rest of th prophecy in her mind. Unwilling to leave without giving a decent explanation about the prophecy.

After minutes, she smiled and looked at her father once more.

"The second line is indicating when the prophecy will take place. I will need to analyze it more to come to a conclusive date, as for the third line," Athena got a sour look on her face as she looked towards her enemy, Poseidon.

"it has something to do with me and Poseidon, in what that is I am not sure. And the rest of the prophecy is unclear at the moment," Everone glanced around the room, waiting for someone else to speak. Zeus noticed the tension and cleared his throat, as he held his lightning bolt tightly in his hands.

"I believe we should give you more time to analyze this Athena," Ares looked at Athena before giving her a smoldering glare and a large hmph sound.

Zeus glanced at Hera before turning to look at his daughter, and then some of the other gods.

"My son Perseus had come asking of a request..." The rest went by uneventfully as the gods agreed.

"I hope it means war," Ares muttered before leaving the throne room, along with the other gods who'd quickly vanished once Zeus had concluded that the meeting was over.

Athena was left to ponder the rest of the prophecy, but one line sent chills down her spine as she replayed it in her mind over and over again.

'Who is this master of all?' She glanced around, before turning to one of her books.


Percy stood outside of the temple, closing his eyes as he listened to Medusa petrify yet another idiot who thought he could fight the famous monster to live.

As he took in a breath of cold winter air a piercing scream that sent chills down his spine was heard. The sound of something hitting the floor caused him to take action and rushed into the temple, where he saw Medusa's body laid on the floor. Her head nowhere in sight, he turned ready to race after the guy only to see something emerge from the spilled blood of the Gorgan.

A pure white pegasus appeared fully grown, and ready to trample on the unsuspecting deity. Only to freeze and stare him down. 

'Who are you?' A calm but angry voice demanded, earning an amused expression from the deity.

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