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         A smile made her way across her face as she watched the demigods leave.

'He was coming back,' The thought was exciting to her as she silently praised her god.

'He's coming back, all he needs right now is time,' Medusa felt like jumping in excitement as she dashed around her broken-down home dancing until a gentle meow caught her off guard.

She glanced down at her old blind cat. Its beautiful golden fur shinned as he sniffed the air looking for her.

He was blind, with no eyes or sight so Medusa's terrifying power had no effect on this pitiful creature.

He had been her only companion for the last few years.

"He's back Gus," Medusa sighed dreamily. Gus meowed in response and tried to rub his head against her ankles. Drawing out a soft smile from the Gorgan.

"He's finally back," She whispered as she kneeled down to pet Gus.


Meanwhile, the demigods crawled out of the hole and managed to start their journey back to camp, but not before going to drop the hunters off first. In the midst of the revelations, Percy was struggling to settle an uneasy filling within his heart.

Memories swirled in his head like a whirlpool.

Clenching his first Percy glanced up to look at the old sky.

The darkness enveloped him, casting shadows all throughout, however, the luminations from the moon cast a perfect glow upon his face.

"Who am I?" He asked out loud before closing his eyes.

"You're my brother," Another voice called out playfully. Sophia walked out, almost skipping in her steps as she swung her arm over his shoulder and took a seat beside him on the log.

"You are Percy Jackson, hero of Olympus!" Percy opened his eyes and shook his head.

"No, not what I meant, but thanks soph," He muttered before laying his head against his sister's shoulder.

"Something isn't right, I'm not the right person, I swear..." He swore softly as he fell silent and looked away. The critters around them filled the silence, and Sophia didn't respond. She couldn't imagine Percy as anyone else, with a different personality. True she hadn't known him for long, but she knew all the stories about him. His achievements, personality everything was a perfect definition of the word Hero.

'If he wasn't a hero, who was he?' Sophia silently asked herself before taking a last glance over her brother and standing up.

"Well, you're a hero. if you're not the hero then you can only be the villain." She joked, trying to lighten the mood, but only failed miserably.

'I caused their deaths!' Percy thought to the three figures from the cave. The same ones from his previous dreams.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," He agreed as he fell silent again.

"Sorry I don't mean to be rude but can you leave?" He asked lifting his head.

"I want to think on my own." He finished, hoping Sophia wasn't offended.

"Oh right, I'm sorry. I'll give you space." Sophia stopped up and quickly walked away leaving the young man alone once again.

This time, however, another figure appeared from within the shadows of the trees.

"I'm sorry," She apologized almost stuttering stepping out to reveal the snakes on her head. Her pale green skin reflected against the moonlight as she subconsciously tried to cover to scales on her arms.

"Medusa," Percy said softly as he stretched his hand out, almost as if it common thing for him to do. He did nothing but watch as Medusa's expression changed from scared and shy to excited as she reached her arm out and clasped her hands around his.

"Master!" She breathed out, sounding breathless. At the moment of skin contact, Percy felt a sap of electricity travel up his arm.

"I've missed you so much,"  Percy stayed quiet but after a moment he softly replied.

"I still can't remember much. I'm slowly getting there, but Medusa. I remember you very clearly. I'm very proud of you,"

"I am so glad to hear that Master," Medusa could feel the knot forming in her throat as she pressed his hand against her lips and fell to her knees.

Her tears slid down onto his hands and he could only kneel down with her and softly whisper comforting words.

"It's been so hard without you master," Medusa managed to speak through the bent-up emotions swirling in her chest.

"I must confess something master," Medusa looked up, with red-stained eyes.

"The way you died, I thought it was careless of you if it is not too bold to say,"

His lips curved into an amused smile.

"Not at all," He gently pulled his hand away and caressed her cheek, wiping away her tears with his thump.

"I'm sorry for the suffering I've caused you all this time. Even if I didn't remember who I was. I'm very sorry.

Medusa softly laughed but continued to sob.

"Please do not leave me again," The pain in her voice chimed like an old rusty bell. It was hard to hear but more unsightly.

"I won't be leaving again, this time I'm here to do what I must have done from the beginning." He promised. Medusa's tears became joyful as she kissed his hand again.

"Thanks to you master my children lived, even though one is always out of sight, and the other is with the gods. I can promise they would come out to see you and just you,"

Percy smiled and looked up towards the moon, it was glistening brightly in the dark sky. The stars around it reminded him of jewels shining in the light.

"Go back and stay safe until I announce myself publicly, you Medusa will be restored to your former glory and beauty along with my ascension to my rightful place, and these unjust gods will learn their place."

Medusa's lips curled into a prideful smile as she slowly rose to her bare feet and wrapped her arms around him.

"I trust you, and you alone Master," Her words faded into the wind as she detached herself from Percy and walked away, but not before giving one glance back.

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