Form the Alliance

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"Did you feel the surge of power?!" Athena burst through the throne room doors, staring at the other Olympians already sitting on their thrones. Each one had looks of concern adorning their faces as they eyed each other with suspicion.

Zeus' eye twitched as he clutched his fist closed and glared down at the marble floor of the throne room.

"Athena, where is your daughter Sophia!?" Zeus's tone didn't give room for arguments or slip-ups. Athena breathed, unsure of what to answer.

"The prophecy states your daughter where is she!" His fist slammed down onto the armrest of his throne as his gaze bolted around.

"I-" Athena prepared to answer when Sophia appeared at her side with tear-filled eyes.

"Percy Jackson is dead!"

The throne room fell silent before everyone erupted into an uproar.

"My son is not dead!" Posiden cried out, almost glaring down at Sophia. The young goddess snarled and clenched her fist.

"I saw who did it too, and I think we should prepare for war. This being is powerful, to the point that it crushed me with power and forced me to kneel." Sophia exclaimed as she raised her head to stare at the other gods.

"Please, you must listen to me!" She nearly cried out as she fell to her knees.

"Alright, go to the camp and gather the demigods, tell them to prepare for war. Artemis!" Zeus turned towards the throne of the moon goddess only to find it empty.

"Where is Artemis!?" Zeus rumbled as he turned furiously to search for her within the throne room.

Sophia pursed her lips and shook as she stood up. "She went after the enemy, taking her hunters with her. Since the events transpired, there has been no contact from her or any hunter.

"Go and prepare the demigods!"


Iam watched the meeting in amusement as he hid behind a column near the hearth. The hearth was indeed warm, but it was slowly fading.

'How sad Hestia is one of their strongest allies, yet they neglect her.' Iam's vision slowly moved towards the gods and spotted Posiden greaving for his dead son.

A scoff emitted from his chest as Iam mocked the fake grief.

'I let these gods get to this point of unlawfulness. I must fix my mistakes,'

Iam slowly stepped out from behind the pillar and managed to walk up behind Sophia. Once again, he let a small fragment of his power go, crushing the gods within their thrones.

"Ah, good. I have your attention now. Let me introduce myself. I am creation, though you can call me Iam." He smiled softly and gave a small polite bow.

Iam lifted a finger and looked at the expression carved into the gods' faces. Horror, fear, and even rage.

"I know I have neglected my position from the beginning of time, hidding away on earth and just exploring what I made, but it appears that I have made a terrible mistake and gave you all free reigns to do whatever you wanted." Iam paused to look at Athena and smiled.

"Athena," Her name slipped passed his mouth like acid as he walked over to her. Once again, just as he had done with Sophia back in the forest. His power crushed the wisdom goddess.

"Tell me, do you know who created the universe?" Athena's mouth went dry as she struggled to move.

"We had been taught that it was Chaos and Order. That they were the oldest beings to exist," Her answer was honest, and it pleased Iam as he released her.

"Chaos and Order are nothing but child play compared to me. I'm allowing you to unite with my children to try and defeat me." Iam's eyes once again displayed the power behind them as he stared into the eyes of everyone present. He enforced the word try and decided to humor the gods.

"Do whatever you can. If by any miracle you manage to best me. I'll leave you all alone, and everything will be as it had been."

"We will take you up on that offer," Another new voice appeared. Behind Iam walked in Chaos. Her beautiful, slim figure covered with messy locks of black hair, which seemed to bounce with every step she took. She displayed her petite figure compared to her counterparts as she stood a foot shorter than Order.

Standing beside her stood Order towering over her at 6'5 with his perfect tone body that put Apollo and the other gods to shame.

"I would welcome you back, but we weren't even aware you existed." Order spoke lowly. Iam's eyes gleamed with mischief as he turned to look at his children.

Compared to him, they only sparked like far away stars, while he appeared to be the brightest star.

"But don't you remember who named you at the moment of your births?" Order and Chaos glanced at each other, silently questioning his statement, but neither managed to remember such an event.

"Honestly? No, but I doubt you are even our father, as we were the first beings to appear!" Chao's responded, sounding a bit crude.

Iam rose a brow and glanced at the gods still struggling against his powers.

"That's because you aren't affected by my power, but I assure you I created you with my finger. Side with the gods and do your best to beat me. If you manage, I'll leave you on your thrones, and the gods can continue as they were,"

Chaos opened her mouth to retort, but Order sharply replied. "And if we lose?"

Iam paused to think over his answer until he turned to look at the gods. At the same time, he began crushing Chaos and Order under his power to let them feel a fragment.

"If you lose, I will take back what I left to you. That being my rightful position and title. As for the gods, they will lose status and some even their immortality."

"I am giving you all an opportunity to right your wrongs and to try and beat me. My children don't have to help, but I am allowing it. Chaos and Order, fight against your father and take the chance to own the titles you've claimed over yourselves." Iam flicked his finger and released everyone from the pressure before disappearing.

The gods, along with Chaos and Order, were left in silence as they had more questions than answers and an omnipotent threat among them. Such a being could not exist. Powers of that magnitude could not exist.

Chaos and Order never felt so powerless before, but they decided that they shall fight and give it all they had.

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