Moonlight glow

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Chapter 5- Moonlight glow

Artemis walked through the silent night as she watched her moon chariot fly through the night. A slight breeze blew past her as she headed towards her hunter's camp.

Time had passed and she could hardly remember the face of the boy so longed for, she closed her eyes and dug into her pouch to dig out the flute that laid deep within.

The encounter was brief, Artemis could remember that much, however, his face was turning into a blur and all she could remember were his bright sea-green gaze that captivated her that day. 

The night was silent as she walked quietly. Suddenly a good stag appeared in front of her, its big doe eyes staring at her before bounding away. Excitement filled her as she pulled out her hunting gear and dashed after the magnificent prey. 

Dashing through the woods in the dark was easy for her. The silent footsteps she created went undetected by the stag as it came to a stop in front of a beautiful lake. Artemis paused, as she caught sight of the glimmering waters in the moonlight, the glow reminded her of the said boy who'd complimented her mercury gaze.

Artemis raised her bow and shot, the arrow flying through the air before hitting the deer near its shoulder blades, penetrating the heart, however, with closer expectation, Artemis noticed another arrow that had penetrated its head. Glancing around, searching for the archer of such skills, she caught sight of a man's figure approaching from the covers of the shadows near the bulk of trees. 

Once he stepped into the bright moonlight, Artemis noticed his sea-green gaze, though not as bright as the boy from her memories, Artemis felt her heart thump with anticipation as her mind raced to wonder if this was that same boy.  She squinted her eyes, as the glow of moonlight shimmered around him-while handsome, he did not match the same grace she remembered.

'Maybe he changed,' The silent thought emerged from her mind as she slowly walked closer to the archer.

"You have great skills with a bow," Artemis broke the night's silence as she noticed the man averting her gaze, almost as if doing it in respect for her. 

"Thank you, M'lady, you're as skillful as legends say," Artemis shifted her footing around, wondering what else to say before letting out a soft laugh.

"Raise your gaze, I'm thankful for your reverence," The man nodded and lifted his eyes and locked them with Artemis. The man nodded and swiftly walked past her and towards the stag, he knelt, while placing his hand over the creature's corpse, softly whispering to it.

"Thank you for providing for us," The archer had whispered. Artemis was amazed at his thoughtfulness and kindness as he stood up. That is when Artemis noticed how tall he was. Towering over the goddess by at least several feet, if Artemis had to guess, he was around eight feet tall.

"Come, would you like a place to rest your feet?" Artemis asked, turning towards the direction of her camp. Her hunters must've been fast asleep by now, as it was twelve past midnight. With a hesitant nod, the man followed the goddess.

"I am Orion, M'lady," Artemis's shoulders tensed, as she tried remembering the boy's name. Giving up, she glanced at the man to her left and nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Orion, please call me Artemis,"


Perseus sat on a log as he glanced at the children eating hungrily, while pegasus chewed on the green grass.

"What are your names and ages?" Percy asked, looking at the young girl and the smallest boy. The girl looked up from her meal and shakenly placed it down.

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