My first follower

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Chapter 3: My first follower

The night was tense, as both Medusa and Percy sat by the fire. Percy gently tended to the roaring flames as Medusa played with her snakes.

Percy glanced at her and noticed the smile on her lips.

'At least she smiling,' He thought glancing at the moon, that was there proudly sitting in the blue sky, as he sat there wondering if Artemis would ever call him. It had been a while since he had met the young goddess. Something about her captivated him.

"I'am," He nodded, letting her know that he was paying attention. Medusa rubbed her arm, before shifting her footing making herself more comfortable.

"Do-do you have someone special in your heart?" Medusa's question caused him to pause for a moment before he shook his head.

"No," He answered with uncertainty. Medusa had a small smile on her lips, before looking away. 

Silence fell over both of them until the sun went down. Percy glanced out of the cave to see the moon shining brightly in the sky.  He went back inside, before removing the simmering stew from the fire.

"All done," He proudly stated, Medusa turned to look at him and smiled as she stood up and walked over to him. Percy looked at her and smiled, before handing her a bowl of soup. Medusa sat on the ground near the flames, as she blew into the soup in hopes to cool it down. Percy took his bowl, as he drank it without much effort.

Medusa watched him and blushed as she lifted the bowl towards her lips and took a sip. The flavor that hit her tongue caused her to let out a small groan of appreciation. She had never tasted such flavors even within Athena's temple

Percy watched with a smile as Medusa ate silently. The light in her eyes made him feel much better about her future.

          A few days later

Medusa awoke to the sounds of heavy footfalls, as she glanced towards the entrance of the cave she had been residing inside of.  Men, around twelve of them stood there staring at her with horrified expressions until her eyes glowed green in the blanket of darkness. The men noticed this and back away. One running out of the cave on time, the others stood still until they turned to stone, terror forever frozen in their eyes, with their mouths parted slightly ready to scream.

"Oh my gods," She whispered, sitting up and running over to the men turned to stone.

her hand glided across the cheek of one before she muttered apologies until she burst into tears. Her silent sobs reached the heart of Percy as he was gathering wood in the forest.

The heavy feeling in his chest alerted him to a dangerous situation, so in response he rushed back to the cave, only to find a man running towards him with a terrified look carved to his face.

"SIR!!" The man shouted. Percy looked at his furrowed eyebrows before scanning the man. He was in his mid-thirties, with a long patchy beard. His rough skin was covered in dirt allowing some information to the man's work base.

'What the hell has this guy all spoked?' Percy thought to himself as he glanced towards the direction of the cave. He had left Medusa alone, and he was in a hurry.

"There is a monster in a cave further back! her eyes turned my friends into stone!!" The man's loud shouting was irritating Percy.

"Keep running," Percy told the man before pushing past him and running towards the cave with inhuman speed. The urgency was growing by the minute. Once he arrived at the cave, he caught sight of a sobbing female figure crunched into the corner of the cave.

Percy mentally cursed Athena as he noticed the state medusa was in. He pitied the unfortunate female. He'd swore to make Poseidon pay for this as well.

Percy walked over to the statues and crushed the heads of each statue. Getting Medusa's undived attention. Her mouth opened slightly as she watched the head of the last statue crumble in Percy's hand. 

"Don't mourn darling," Percy said, casting his gaze directly towards hers, finding her green glow captivating. He had grown immune to the effects of her curse after some time. Now he was the only one able to look at her.

Medusa sat there silently, tears rolling down her greenish skin as she looked at him with disbelief.

"I'll crush Poseidon for you," Percy promised as he walked over to the unfortunate female. She smiled sadly at him and looked down at her hands without saying a word. His words calmed down her fears until she remembered the life of solitude she was condemned into.

"I wish I had taken a husband," Medusa sniffled as she curled her knees towards her chest.

Percy looked at her and frowned. A woman had no reason to be defined by the status of marriage.

"Be strong, I'll reverse this curse," Percy reached his hand out to press it against her forehead, but a soft hand stops him. Percy looked down at her with confusion.

"I hate Athena as much as Poseidon, so please... allow me the chance to get vengeance in this form, I know you are powerful, I can feel it when you are near. The earth trembles under your feet. So please, lend me your power for a bit, and help me avenge myself. I beg you," Medusa's lips trembled as she shut her eyes tightly fearing his answer. She didn't know who or what he was, but the power he emitted caused her very bones to quake with fear.

"Alright," Percy agreed. Medusa's eyes shot open as she glanced at him in surprise. She had expected to be rejected from such a request. Once more her eyes filled with tears, this time of joy.

"Thank you so much,"


Medusa and Percy both set out into the wild to find somewhere else to reside in, knowing that the mortals would soon return with a moob.

Much further into the wild, Medusa caught sight of an old temple and marveled at it before smiling and pointing towards it.  Percy noticing her excitement smiled before following the Gorgan into the temple.

Life was simple for the following months, with the expectation of several unfortunate men who came to slay the monster. Medusa did not need Percy's power, not yet at least.

One day, as Medusa walked around, hoping to catch a rabbit for dinner, she caught sight of a carved stone, and with further inspection, she recognized it as the head of Athena.

This had been one of the early temples of the wisdom goddess. Her eye filled with tears as she remembered her old devotion to the said goddess before she glanced up and saw Percy standing far off collecting barries from a bush. A smile crept onto her lips as she dropped the head and walked over to her new master. The snakes on her head hissed and slithered in excitement as they neared him.

'Powerful I'am, I wish to be your devoted follower,' Percy heard her prayer and smiled, turning to look at her. For a split second, he saw a beautiful woman with ivory skin that glowed in the moonlight, with light brown hair dancing in the wind.

"My first follower," He replied, stretching his hand out for her to take.

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