Chapter 31

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Massimo POV

I lean against the railing of the balcony in my room.

My body is tense in every muscle.

My mind racing as I try to take deep breaths.

The sight of Serena in my arms, covered in blood while she slowly passed out was engraved behind my eyes.

I tried to sleep but it never came. For days I have been struggling to get the much-needed rest.

The men tried to convince me to head back to Italy with them when they left two days ago, but I couldn't. Things didn't feel settled here yet.

Warm arms wrap around my waist as a chest collides with my bare back.

My body instantly relaxes as she places a kiss on my bare spine.

"Can't sleep?" Serena's soothing voice says behind me, her lips brushing my skin with her words.

I turn around in her arms and meet her warm eyes. My eyes slowly scan down her body to the small tank top and shorts she wore.

My hand comes up reflexively and caresses her cheek, allowing her to lean into it.

"I almost lost you," I mutter just above a whisper. She sighs softly and meets my eye.

"I'm not going anywhere. It will take a lot more than a few knife wounds to kill me," She says with humor on her face. "I have been shot before and even that didn't take me out."

She gestures to the old scar tissue on her shoulder where her tattoo was rough and uneven.

A smile met my lips to reassure her despite what I felt inside.

The nightmare replays behind my eyes.

She had eight different wounds on her that all required roughly five to ten stitches each. She passed out for a short while from the pain but recovered on the way to the infirmary.

Tomas told me that this was normal and he had seen it occur before. She would switch off her killer brain and go back to Serena. But her body would become overwhelmed with the pain causing her to pass out.

When they were doing the stitches, the doctor offered her pain medication but she refused claiming she didn't want an altered mental status with all the criminals in the building that could attack at any second.

"Come," Serena says pulling my hand so we are back in the room.

We were staying in her old room which was bare of any decorations or color. There was just a bed and dresser in here and nothing more.

"We have to meet Tomas before we head out," She says slipping a shirt on over her tank top. Bending down, she throws me the shirt I threw on the floor earlier and I catch it with a chuckle.

"Are you sure you are ready to fly back?" I ask her and she turns to me with a roll of her eyes. Every day we have this conversation.

She was ready to fly back days ago but I didn't think she was. She suffered bad injuries and I didn't think flying was a good option until she was better.

Now she says it was time for us to go back.

Although she never said she was planning to stay in Italy with me, I hoped she would. I was too scared to bring up the conversation and hear her tell me she was leaving me.

My mind reminded me of when we talked about this before we came here. She said she might choose to leave.

A gut feeling was telling me she would since this is the first time she would not have to look over her shoulder and she could now live freely. Don't get me wrong, I want that for her. I want her to feel free and live her life in every way she wants to.

I just wish I was part of that life with her.

And since she revealed her identity to everyone in alliance with Ricardo, she could be put in danger now.

People may try to hunt her down and force her alliance with them.

I would never let that happen, even if she chooses to leave me.

* * *

Going into the dining room, everyone silences like they always do, giving us looks.

The men who agreed to work under Tomas stayed while the rest either left or were killed. It was the way of the mafia when there was a change in power. Some could get behind it and others couldn't.

We sat the furthest away from everyone and began eating like they weren't watching us. I glared down the table and a few moved their gazes away.

"I suggest you stop staring before I pull the eyes from your skulls and feed them to you," Serena says with a hiss, her eyes not moving from the phone in her hand as she scrolled through texts from Joyce. Eyes immediately snap away from her and go to their plates.

I chuckle at her and place a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Good morning everyone," Tomas says while entering the room. His eyes scan the men before seeing us.

His face lights up when he sees Serena and he moves toward us.

"Tomas," I say bluntly.

"Good morning Massimo," He says back in the same tone. "Hey, Serena."

"Hey, there boss," She jokes at him while he sits on her other side.

"Are you sure you're ready to leave today?" He asks her in a cautious voice, not wanting to undermine her. He knew better than to do that after what took place a few days ago.

He insisted she stayed while she was ready to leave. She put him in his place real quick.

She groans and leans back in her chair.

"I am fine," She says and shows us the stitched-up wounds on her arms. "Flying is not going to make the stitches pop out okay? Trust me, I have my nursing degree."

Tomas remains quiet as I watch him. He looks disappointed and Serena notices.

"What is it?" She asks turning to him fully.

"I don't know. I was just hoping you would stay here longer," He looks into her eyes now. "There is always a spot beside me if you choose to stay in this life."

"You want me to rule the Mafia with you?" She asks taken back. He opens his mouth but I cut him off.

"No," I snap and they both look at me. "She decided she wants to come back with me."

Tomas meets my eye and we stare each other down. His eyes go dark at the challenge.

A sharp pain hits my chest and my eyes snap away to look down. Serena had her fork against my chest, right in front of my heart.

A smirk forms on my lips as I glance up at Tomas to see a knife on his.

The whole table stands and goes tense.

This might become interesting.

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