Chapter 14

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Serena POV

Turns out Clayton was just a big liar.

His room appeared dark and mysterious but held no malintent.

No chains, no cages, no dead bodies.

Just a large king-sized bed with black sheets made perfectly across the bed.

The bed itself was pushed against the wall to the left.

Across the room is a large frame window. My feet seem to draw me closer before I knew I was moving.

It was dark outside. Nothing but trees for miles. It sends a shiver up my spine...

Hands touch my hips, causing me to jump at the sudden sensation.

I rest my head back on the hard chest as his face snuggled into the crook of my neck.

My eyes look over to the black tiled walls that seemed glossy. My eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"What's in there?" I ask, interrupting his soft kisses on my neck. His eyes follow mine over to the wall of sleek black from the floor to the ceiling. There were no signs of a door, but why else would it be different from the other walls?

A smile parts his lips as he slowly grabs my hand and starts to lead me over to the bed. His lips land on mine slowly at first before they became thirstier as if he needed me to breathe. Needed me to survive. Needed me to live.

He lightly pushes me back against the soft, plump bed until he is hovering over me. Our eyes connect as I look up at him in curiosity.

"What is it, la mia piccolo moglie?" He asks and my eyebrow shoots up. His accent made whatever he said dark and heavy with lust but the words were unfamiliar to me.

I stare up at him before my eyes drift back to the weird textured wall. I hear him release a sigh before he gets off me in one quick move.

I sit up at the edge of the bed with curiosity as he moved to the wall. I watch as his hand lightly presses in the middle of the wall and the door begins to open. He takes a step back as the wall comes out before moving over the conjoining wall like an automatic door.

My jaw drops and I am on my feet. Inside a row of lights illuminate the large space.

The room was like another bedroom with an open concept. The walls were lined with dark wood shelving units for clothing. On the right side are well-ironed suits on hangers.

At the end was a tall black shelving unit with pull-out drawers. One of them was pulled open slightly with a paper sticking out.

When I am standing beside him, I give him a curiously raised eyebrow.

"You have this secret bedroom in the back of your house that is fingerprint locked. Now you have a secret room and you keep clothes in it?" I ask before looking back to the half-empty closet.

This time I cross my arms and fully turn to him.

"I like to keep my things protected," He says looking at the closet before down at me.

I say nothing as I scan his handsome face.

"When people want to keep things protected they get a safe, not a fingerprint lock on their bedroom door," I inform him with a scoff before taking a few steps back from him, my eyes not leaving his.

"Now, tell me truthfully this time. Why do you keep everything locked up? It's just a bedroom. It's not like you have millions of dollars hidden in here."

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