Chapter 28

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Serena POV

I sat on the couch in the office calmly with my hands on my lap as Ricardo stood in front of me, watching me curiously.

He hasn't said anything but just stares down at me.

"You can take the mask off now, I want to see your face," He says finally. I reach up and untie the mask from behind my head, throwing it on the couch beside me while smirking at him.

"What gave me away?" I ask cheekily. His eyes scan every aspect of my face while he leans against his desk with his arms propped behind him. I guess he didn't expect me to be this calm that he 'caught' me.

"Nobody's beauty turns heads like yours does," He says with a smile on his lips. He looked relieved that I was here in front of him and it disgusted me. "When the guards told me about a woman who had all heads in the room turning, I knew it had to be you."

"I see the pig in you has not died down over time," I spit at him.

"I see the spite in you hasn't either," He comments before moving his hand to touch my face. This time I pull away from him and give him a dark look. "Why are you giving me such a sinful look as if I have hurt you? I have taken care of you."

"Taken care of me?" I say with a laugh as I shake my head. "You turned me into a cold-blooded killing machine for your own personal gain."

"Portador de la Muerte," He says with a smile, completely ignoring my comment. "Many people thought that you have died. But I assured them you would be back soon enough."

"I am no longer the monster you made me to be," I say and he smiles.

"I knew that the moment we stepped into this room. You could have killed me the second the door closed and the guards were out of sight but you didn't. You are not the killer I once trained you to be..."

"Tortured," I spit at him while raising my voice. "You tortured me to be that way. You gave me no choice. It was to become your personal assassin or die. I should have chosen death but instead, you beat me and cut my flesh to get what you want. You took everything from me until I broke."

"Is that why you cover yourself with these designs? To hide from the lessons I gave you to become who you are?" He arches an eyebrow as if he was actually curious. The mention of the lessons sent my body into a panic. My body stiffened, my heart stopped and my breath got stuck in my lungs. "You can not hide from who you are. All it takes is the right push to get you back to where you were.

"You have a gift and you try to suppress it," He says and looks down at my body with lust in his eyes that made me feel sick. "I will not let that skill go to waste."

"I know all about your plan," I spit with disgust evident on my face.

"You do now?" He asks with humor in his voice.

"The walls always had ears in this place."

"So, prey tell, what do you think my royal plan is?" He asks mockingly as if I didn't know the truth. Little did he know, I had the upper hand.

"You know, the whole trying to get me to have your child in order to make a strong heir," I say and watch the smirk fall from his face. "Or was that just a rumor as well?"

He was silent for a few minutes as he looks over at me.

"You planned to force me to marry Tomas originally to trap me with a child because you knew I would never leave a child behind as my parents did. But when you realize Tomas would never go with your plan you decided you would do it yourself."

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