Momma presses her lips together, trying to hide her smile. Momma can never be mad at me, I know that. She grabs the bird from my hands and examines it. She let's out a sigh.

"It's badly injured," she said, looking at the wing. "The wing is broken." Momma turns to Nana. "Send Phillip for Madam Cope, please."

"Right away, Lady Swan." Nana takes Alice's hand and walk out.

Momma looks at me with her lips pressed together. She holds the bird with one hand and with her free one she strokes my cheeks.

"You have such beauty inside, my Love, as well as the outside." She smiles. "Promise me you'll never lose it."

"I promise, Momma."

She gets up and we walk to the bathroom. "Later we'll have a conversation about those woods, young lady, but now we need to get this birdy clean before Madam Cope comes."

I nod.

~~~~ That Night ~~~~

"Isabella, leave that bird alone and wash up. Dinner will be served in five minutes," Nana says, taking the box where we placed the bird that I personally named Izzy.

I wash my hands and face before head to the dinning table where my older brother Emmett waits with Momma and Papa. After washing the bird, Nana forced me in another dress because it's not right for a lady to be dirty or so she always tells me.

During dinner Momma and Papa speak about their day while Emmett and I eat silently. Papa is the towns Sheriff but also the Mayor, so we live in upper class than the rest of the people but that doesn't mean were not same. We all are. That's what Momma and Papa have always told us as long as I can remember.

"Charles, you need to talk to your daughter," Momma said, looking at me. "She's disobeyed one of our rules."

"What is it?" He asked, looking at me.

I swallowed, placing my fork down. "... I... went to the forest, Papa."

He sighed. "Isabella Marie Swan, how many times haven't I told you that you can't cross the fence?" He asked, mad, but never yells. Papa never yells.

I look down at my hands and say, "I'm sorry, Papa."

"Papa, Isabella is a very curious girl," Emmett defended me. "She'll not do it again."

"Isabella, look at me," Papa said. I obey. "Have you been there before?" He asked.

"No, Papa, I promise I haven't. It was the first... and last time," I lied. I loved the forest, never understood why it was prohibited to be there if there wasn't any wild animals or anything.

"It's okay," he says, taking my hand. "Promise you won't go back there."

With my hand under the table, I cross my fingers, even my legs and say, "I promise."

Emmett shook his head and continued eating. The rest of the dinner went as usual. We're not allowed to talk while eating dinner unless we're asked or told, too. It's an old family rule. When Gran and Gramp were alive and still lived here, they forced that rule almost all the time. Emmett and I weren't allowed to talk to them unless we had permission but after Gramp died, Gran wanted to hear our voices until six months later she died holding our hands. After their deaths my Papa took away the rules of no talking unless we're in the dinning room. They say that room it's for eating, not chatting.

After dinner, Nana helped me shower and changed me in my white gown. I loved my white gown, just like all my other dresses. It was soft and it covered my little feet. I jumped on my bed while Nana put Emmett to bed and gave him a Goodnight kiss. When it was my turn, I snuggled myself in my blankets while she tucked me in.

"Good night, my sweet little girl." Nana kissed my forehead. "Your Momma and Papa will be here in any moment to say goodnight."

"Night, Nana."

She left the candle next to my bed and walked out of my room. I stand up, looking under my bed where I hid the box and pull it out. Izzy is sleeping and barely notices I'm looking at her. I close the little box and put her back under the bed.

"Momma said you can't have it here," Emmett said, sitting up on his bed.

"Sh!" I jump on my bed and then the door opened again. Momma and Papa walked in wearing their night gowns. Well, Papa doesn't wear a dress but a pair of soft cloth pants and a loose white cotton shirt.

"Sleeping time." Momma walked up to me and kisses me on the cheek. "Good night, Love."

"Night, Momma."

She pulls my crazy curly hair away from my face and walks to Emmett. Papa walked up to me and kisses me on the forhead. Suddenly, a flapping sound interrupts his good night kiss. He pulls away and looked at me with a slight grin. I look back at Momma who doesn't notice the sound and look back at Papa.

"Sh..." he whispers.

"Sh..." I repeat and we both start giggling. "Good night, Papa."

"Good night, My princess."

After Momma and Papa leave, I blow my candle and the darkness take over the room.



"You're going back to the woods, aren't you?" My brother asked.

"Mhm." I smile, looking out the window. Of course I was going back. That was Paradise.

Author's Note:

Here's the new story, I hope you guys like it and please check out The Theory!




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