"Okay! Okay! Time out!" Rogue's face grew victorious as she let him go. The redhead rubbed his shoulder, "No need to go all Black Canary on me."

The girl rolled her eyes, "No need to try to go all Scar and Mufasa on me."

"We need to focus on the mission at hand," Aqualad commanded, making both teens nod.

Robin launched his grapple and started to go down, "Rogue, use yours!" He shouted up to them. The girl nodded and repeated his action.

The brunette went down and started to count the doors. There had to be at least a hundred levels. All of a sudden, she felt herself stop next to Boy Blunder.

"I'm at the end of my rope," Robin called out, pointing out the obvious.

Rogue rolled her eyes, "No, really, Boy Wonder?"

Now, it was Robin's turn to roll his eyes, "You know who you remind me of?" The girl continued to stare at him, "Clayface."

Rowan's jaw dropped, "You did not."

His smirk grew, "Oh, I just did." He swung himself to jump onto the ledge, causing her to do the same, "Come down!" He called up to the other two.

"When we meet him, I'm going to push you into his clay." The girl threatened, making the boy cackle.

"I'll hold you to that."

The two others finally landed on the ledge, causing all of them to try to open up the elevator doors. Robin went back to his wrist computer, "Bypassing security."

When they finally opened the doors, it looked like they were in a lab, which they were. The walls were metal and it looks like tubes were on the sides.

Rogue looked at Aqualad and saw he was barefoot, she wanted to ask if his feet were cold against the metal flooring, but she refrained.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus," Robin sneered. Why did it sound like he was welcoming them to the end? Maybe this was the beginning of the end.

Suddenly, Kid Flash ran ahead, causing Aqualad to yell out, "Kid, wait!"

They all watched the redhead trip from these giant beasts stomping over him. The three ran towards the hall, Kid running back to stand with them. The monsters just kept walking, like everything was normal and routine.

"No. Nothing odd going on here." Aqualad sarcastically said, but for the first time, Rogue had nothing to retort back.

The four heroes made it to a door, with Robin hacking into it. Rogue was looking out behind them to make sure none of those things came back.

When the doors finally did open, it was not what she was expecting. Giant tubes were attached to the wall with blue liquid and more of those organisms in them. They almost looked peaceful as they floated in the substance.

"Okay, I'm officially whelmed," Robin spoke up, looking at everything with wide eyes. The four walked in, observing everything, "This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world."

Kid Flash turned towards them, "The real Cadmus isn't even on the grid." He had a strange smile on his face like he was enjoying this.

Rogue shook her head and muttered, "Nerd."

"It generates its open power with these," He gestured toward the organisms in the tubes with electricity crackling into the tests, "Must be what they're bred for."

Aqualad spoke up, "Even the name is a clue. The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragon's teeth into the earth."

Rogue chuckled, "Gotta love bedtime stories."

ROGUE| DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now