Chapter 30

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Jolee sat alone in his cell. He was turning through the pages of an old worn out book with a faded leatheris cover. It was a classic piece of literature from Ukatis' past. Nayama had brought it to him from the city library. She had told him it was one of her favorites.

It was the story of young girl who grew up on a farm on the edge of town. Despite her humble beginnings she was destined for greatness. She would go on to lead her people against an overwhelming invasion force that threatened her planet.

It was clear the story had inspired a young Nayama at one point. It was also clear to him that she might very well be destined for a similar path. He sensed the Force within her. It was a strong powerful tempest in her, but untamed and unrefined. He saw the potential makings of a great Jedi within her.

Nayama, for her part, had resisted his attempts to talk her into releasing him, despite the obvious attraction both of them shared. Neither of them had spoken of these feelings, of course, but they both knew.

It had started with little things. Her interrogations of him had taken on a slightly more flirtatious tone, even if it often came with a veiled threat. She began visiting him unnecessarily at his cell, usually with the excuse of wanting the opinion of a Jedi on how to handle various situations and disputes that arose in her line of duty.

Jolee, too, had begun reciprocating her subtle flirtations with his own. He began inquiring about her personal life, her upbringing on Ukatis, and her position in the Royal Defense Force. He learned that she was one of several overseers of planetary defenses. He had learned she often preferred to take matters into her own hands rather than delegate to her subordinates. He supposed that explained her being the one to take a shot at him.

He could imagine her kicking some poor gunner out of his seat to be the one to take the shot at him. She very much had the "if you want something done right, do it yourself" kind of attitude. He somewhat admired that. Too often he had seen the Jedi become stagnant, unwilling to act, or passing a matter of as being a matter for the Republic Military. Her readiness to act was refreshing.

"So... what do you think?"

Jolee looked up from his book, shaken from his thoughts. Nayama was standing just outside his cell, peering in at him with a hungry curiosity in her eyes.

"It's good," he said smiling at her. "I just got to the part with the argument with her father regarding the season's harvest. Riveting!"

"It's a slow burn at first," she admitted. "It gets better I promise."

"So," he said, setting the book down next to him on his cot. "What's on the agenda for today? More interrogations? Am I on trash duty?"

"Nothing of the sort," she said with a smirk. He had been a prisoner on Ukatis for more than a standard month already. He knew the Jedi had attempted to make contact to negotiate his release. He also knew that the king had stonewalled them. Regardless, he knew as well as she did that the interrogations had long been concluded. He was nothing more than a hostage at this point.

"I have... a task for you," she said wryly. "But not here." She tapped the panel on the wall outside his cell and the door hissed open. "Come with me."

"Has my charming personality finally worked it's magic?" He knew, of course, it had.

"You wish!" She scoffed. "Let's go." She slapped a pair of binders on his hands and lead him out of his cell.


"Shut up," she said leading him down the hallway. "That joke wasn't funny the first fifty times you made it and it's still not."

"'s still funny," he muttered to himself.

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