"Isn't it obvious, Perrie? We're not meant for each other!" Jade began, her heart was starting to pick up the pace. "I used to believe that we were, but in the last two years of our marriage, something changed. I kept asking you what the hell is going on, but you always steered clear away from the topic. Either you walk away or shut me out completely. How are we supposed to fix this if you won't even talk to me!!? I'm your wife for Pete's sake! We made a vow to be there for each other, to talk it out if we ever encounter hurdles along the way. But recently, I feel like you don't see me like you used to anymore, it's like I'm invisible all of a sudden. And I hate this feeling because it makes me question if I'm ever doing a good job of being your wife! And I know we're married but what of it?!! It's like we've become strangers again!"

Jade's heart was beating rapidly fast now, the adrenaline was kicking in. All the pent up, hurtful emotions that she shrouded all these months was threatening to spill out. While Perrie remained expressionless as she listened intently to the brunette.

"At first, I thought you were just stressed out at work since your brother passed away and you took his place in your company, but that didn't add up to me. Because you refused to talk to me about what you're feeling when you used to tell me everything that went about your day without being asked," Jade continued. Eyes now almost tearing up, her insides were twisting in knots. "Now I don't get anything at all. It's like you turned into this whole different person that I don't know anymore! It scares me to my core, Perrie, because I love you, I really, really do. I love you with all that I am and with all that I can give but there's only so much love that I can give. And I have had enough. I want a divorce."

Jade was breathless after everything she said. She calmed herself a little before pulling out a folder from her bag that contained the divorce papers that Jade had the lawyer prepare. She placed it on the table, opened it facing Perrie. She then takes a fountain pen from her pocket and sets it beside the folder.

She was waiting nervously for Perrie's reaction. She was anticipating the blonde to scream at her, to get mad, throw things away, tear the divorce paper in two, but none of that happened. She could see Perrie's jaw clenching, but she wasn't sure what to make of it. The blonde's eyes were unreadable, and that frightened the hell out of Jade.

Perrie stares at the paper on the table, then looks up at Jade straight in the eye for the first time in a long time. "You want a divorce? Okay. I'll give you the divorce you want." Perrie grabs the pen, signs the paperwork and shuts the folder. She then stood up and closed the button of her blazer, without saying another word, and left the café.

Although Jade expected Perrie's reaction to be somber, she couldn't believe the blonde had actually signed the papers. Deep down inside her, she was hoping that Perrie would at least reason out why she'd been acting the way she did in the last two years, instead, Perrie agreed to the divorce.

Perrie signed the divorce papers. It was final. Their marriage had ended.

Jade hardly noticed a tear that rolled down her cheek as she picked up the folder and returned it in her bag before slowly standing up to leave the café.

All the years they'd been together, from the time she started in Perrie's company, to their flirting here and there at the office, to Perrie asking her to be her girlfriend, to their many dates at the cinema, the park, the beach, to Perrie asking her to be her wife, to their honeymoon in Santorini, to their first toast as wives after a year, and now the signing of the divorce papers. It all seemed to be like a blur.

The weather appeared to be sympathizing with Jade as the rain poured once she stepped outside of the café. She fished out her phone from her pocket and dialed the only number she knows that would hear her out without being judged.

"Hello?" a woman answered her call. Jade hadn't said anything back yet, the shock of the finality of her marriage was slowly registering in her mind. "Jade? Are you okay?"

"Hey, Lee. Yeah, I'm...I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine to me. Where are you?"

"At the Rendezvous Café."

"Okay, why are you there? Are you hurt?"

"Perrie signed the divorce papers."


"Y-Yeah. I guess...I guess this is really it, Leigh. There's no turning back."

"Oh, Jade...Hold on, let me get dressed. I'll come get you."

Jade nodded but then later realized she was talking to Leigh-Anne on the phone where the woman couldn't see her. "M'kay..."

She was shivering from the cold as she crossed the street, her vision was going hazy from the rain that Jade failed to see a truck approaching her at 40 miles per hour. It rammed on the brunette's body, sending her a few feet away on the street.

The bystanders stopped in their tracks. A woman screamed, a baby in the stroller cried, and some guy called 911 while the rest simply looked at Jade's limp body on the ground, gasping as they witnessed the horrific accident.

There was a metallic taste in her mouth. Her life flashed before her eyes, and the only thing that kept on popping up was the woman she cared so deeply for – her honey blonde locks, her tormenting blue eyes, and her soft lips.

Jade laid there unconscious. What she hadn't realized was that the woman she loves came running towards her, pushing her way through the crowd to get to her.

If Jade had been awake, she could've seen how distressed the blonde looked, she could've seen the tears that fell from her eyes down to the brunette's cheek. She would've heard how Perrie had been screaming her name, clutching Jade's body close to hers, desperately trying to tell her to wake up.

If Jade was only awake, she would've seen that the divorce papers that she thought Perrie signed, weren't signed after all. That the blonde had written a big NO! just above her name. Now there's no way of telling what could have been if only Jade took the time to open and read the divorce papers she kept in her bag.

But there's no way for Jade to see what Perrie wrote on the paper...because Jade died on that same spot, seconds after she got hit by the truck.


♫ Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Kiesa Keller Cover

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