Meanwhile, Juan Patricio is in his office, going through the report again. He goes through the part that says that Clara gave birth to Armando, eight months after, they arrived. This part has been bothering him, over the weekend. Could it be, could Armando be his and Clara's son? He has to find out the truth, one way or the other.

Meanwhile, at the university.

Aranza is in the hallways, going to her next class with a friend when they run into Mauricio. Aranza tries to walk past him, but he stands in front of her. Her friend Lorena glares at him, but he ignores her. Mauricio says he wants to talk to her. Aranza says that he is a snake and that he has nothing to say to him. She tells him that she will get Antonio and Hector to fix him. Mauricio glares at her.

At the end of the day, Hector, and Gina go to visit John as usual. Adrianna and Antonio, are at his house. She notices he is quieter than usual and asks him about it. He says he is fine. Adrianna narrows her eyes, pouts, and stares at him like he is mad. Antonio smiles. He says it's nothing big, just some errands, Helena wants him to run for her. Adrianna says now she is interested. Antonio does not want to tell her, because he does not want to unnecessarily worry her now that she is pregnant.

Adrianna, however, is adamant that she wants to know, and soon wears down Antonio's resolve not to tell her. Antonio tells her and she is shocked. He puts one hand around her shoulder, and tells her not to worry, because, it is just somebody, who wanted to play with her aunt and scare her a little bit. She says she is not worried, about herself but about Aranza, and how she will react if she finds out. Antonio says he too is scared of her reaction.

Later, Antonio meets up with Gina at the park. She too asks him why he looks so serious like something has happened. Antonio knows that Gina is much more stubborn than Adrianna, and so he does not even try to avoid telling her the truth. He tells her, about Helena's Email and her wanting to send him to find out the source. Gina's face goes white. Antonio holds up her face and asks her if she is fine. Gina says she is okay, and she just feels a bit nauseous and needs some air.

She then gets out of the car. Antonio follows her. He then holds up her chin and asks her if she is fine. Gina smiles and says she is. She then tells Antonio not to worry. He kisses her and she kisses him back. She tells herself that if Antonio finds out she and her brother sent out that email, they may have to reveal who they are, and they aren't ready yet.

The next day on Tuesday, Adrianna is in the washrooms, when Marianna comes in. The look of pure hatred, she gives her, tells it all. Adrianna meanwhile does her best to ignore her, but Marianna has clearly come spoiling for war. Adrianna tries to leave, but Marianna stands in front of her and stops her. Adrianna tells her to leave her alone. She says that they are both pregnant, and for the sake of the children, they need to be, mature about things. Marianna says she does not intend to make it easy for her to be happy with Hector.

Adrianna glares at her, and says she doesn't understand how selfish, she could be, that she is thinking about ruining others' lives, instead of focusing on the baby, she is expecting. Marianna rolls her eyes and tells her to stop being so dramatic. She then looks Adrianna over and over and says that she doesn't understand, how Hector could fall in love with a plain, uninteresting person like her. Marianna adds that she will ensure that Hector marries her and that they raise their child together, with the others they will have. Adrianna tells Marianna that she is crazy and says that she will fight for Hector and their child. Marianna comes closer, glares at her, smirks, and says that the battle is on.

Sometime later, Antonio is busy in his room at the mansion, on some computers, tracing the email Helena wanted. He gets what he wanted and says he will go to the cyber to try and find out who sent the emails the next day.

Meanwhile, Hector and Gina are at the cafeteria. He looks at his sister, worried. He asks her what is bothering her. She says that they are both in trouble. He asks her what she is talking about. She tells him about what Antonio told her, the previous day, that Helena wants him to trace the email and find out who sent it. Hector looks only a little unfazed, but he doesn't seem to see too much of an issue in it. Gina meanwhile is scared, she reminds him, how intelligent Antonio is, and how likely it is they will be found. She says that their act is up, and very soon people will know who they are.

Hector shrugs, smiles, and playfully asks her why she just had to fall in love with a computer genius. Gina glares at him and asks him how he could joke at such a time when all they have been fighting for is at risk. He gets serious and tells her not to worry because things are not that bad. He says that she has a genius older brother (points to himself), who always thinks ahead, and has sealed all loopholes. Gina rolls her eyes and begins by saying that they are twins and he should stop lording it over her, that he is older, because five minutes, is not a big difference.

She then adds that he is not more intelligent than her. Hector, smirks at her then says that they should continue, acting as normal, to avoid anyone getting suspicious. He adds that they should however not attempt anything of that magnitude anytime soon. He says that even if Antonio or anyone else sees the CCTV footage, they will see different people because the two of them (Hector and Gina) took serious measures to hide their identities. Gina still looks scared and unsure, so he hugs her. Adrianna watches them, from a window, and asks herself what they are hiding. The bond between them is incredibly strong.

Meanwhile, at Juan Patricio's office, he is still going through the reports, the private investigator has handed him so far. Something, about Armando, tugs at him, but he can't quite put a finger at it. What is it?

Back at the mental hospital, John is doing much better, he can remember more things and has largely regained touch with reality. His memory of events since he met Gina and Hector, is very good. He has however made little progress in remembering who he is or what happened, leading to his accident all those years ago.

Later that night, at the mansion, Helena informs Carlos of her decision to send Antonio to trace the email. She says he is skilled enough in such matters plus it is better to have him than to have a stranger. Carlos agrees with her.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now