Gina says that it hurts her too as well, as she places a hand on his shoulder. He tells her he was thinking about it because, Helena will be celebrating her forty-third birthday, in two weeks, and it angers him, that someone so evil, continues to prosper. He says he wishes they could do something about it like maybe play a prank on Helena to rattle her up a bit. Gina smiles at her brother. He looks at her skeptically and asks her what she is upto. She says she has just thought of a plan, to rattle up Helena a little bit. Hector tells her, he is listening. Gina suggests that they should send her a birthday card as their real selves.

Hector, looks at his sister like she is crazy and says that such a plan is crazy, and dangerous, as it could expose them. Gina rolls her eyes and says that they are not stupid, and they will take caution, such as, creating a fake email account, going to another place, and being under disguise. Hector says it is still a crazy idea. Gina folds her hands and tells him that, as crazy as the idea is, he wants to do it because he suggested playing a prank. Hector denies her claim and says he was thinking aloud. Gina says she knows him too well, and she can tell he is lying. He says the logistics of carrying out the plan, while reducing the risks of them being caught or creating any suspicion, is going to be difficult.

He reminds them that they are both dating very intelligent people.

Gina says that she knows that but they can carry this plan out successfully if they work together. Gina says that being the more creative, twin she will design and create the card, and he will take care of the logistics of making sure the plan succeeds. Hector says her being the more creative twin is debatable, but he is all up for the idea. Gina holds out her hand and asks Hector (calling him big brother) if they have a deal. Hector agrees.

Later, that night, Anna Patricia is surprised to see her brother at their parents' house. He says he wants to talk to her about something important. He asks her where their parents are. Anna Patricia says that they are having dinner at a friend's house. She asks him what he wants to talk to her about. He says he is uncomfortable with whatever crazy plots she is getting up to with their mother. Anna Patricia says that she has no idea what he is talking about. He says he does not like the idea of her getting close to John, because of the complications that may bring. He reminds her that none of them know where John came from or who his family is.

Armando further adds that John might or might not recover, and if he does, an unknown family situation awaits him. Armando says he does not want her to get mixed up in any of that. Anna Patricia says that he is being very dramatic. She says that while she cannot speak for their mother, because she has no idea what their mother is up to, she has no romantic intentions towards John. Armando looks at her skeptically. He reminds her that John has been locked up for very many years without female company, and she (calls her my little sister) is a very beautiful woman. He adds that John is likely to develop feelings for her if he hasn't done so already.

He then asks her what if John has an evil wife and unbearable children. Anna Patricia tells him that he needs to relax because he is reading too much into things. She says he sounds like Martin, Aurelio, Hector, Gina, and their father. Armando asks her if she doesn't find it weird that their mother is the only one who isn't in the least bit worried about what a relationship with John would mean for her. Anna Patricia says that it is likely their mother is up to something, but it won't work because she has given up on being in a relationship or finding love. Armando comes and hugs his sister, to comfort her, as he has done for over forty years.

There are then flashbacks of them over the years, in some, they are fighting and arguing and in others, they are laughing, yet in others, he is comforting her. In one particular flashback, she has hurt herself playing as a child, and he is helping her up and comforting her.

Meanwhile, back at the mental institution:

John gets a flashback, in which there is the same young man from his earlier flashbacks but with a young heavily pregnant woman. He then sees Anna Patricia and says my beautiful Anna.

Meanwhile, Gina and Emma are in Gina's house. On top of everything else going on, the guilt of not being able to tell her best friend her biggest secret is killing her. Emma asks her if she is okay. Gina smiles and says she is and Emma looks at her skeptically. Gina insists she is fine.

Meanwhile, Hector and Martin are at a bar, not far from where Martin lives. Martin asks him what he thinks about telling Emma the truth about who he (Hector) and his sister really are. Hector says Emma is a good person, and they can trust her but they can't tell anyone else yet. He adds that as much as keeping the secret of their identity is a big burden it is not yet time to reveal his and his sister's identities.

Two weeks and some days, pass. Gina is to go to a cyber in town not too far from the mental hospital to work on Helena's birthday card, on Wednesday and Thursday. When only Anna Patricia and Hector go to visit him on Wednesday, John is worried about Gina and asks about her. He asks if she is okay, and Anna Patricia and Hector assure him that she is. Hector says she just had a few errands to run. Helena's birthday is that coming Saturday.

Meanwhile, Aranza and Aurelio are at the park strolling, on Wednesday evening. He asks her if she is going to her mother's birthday. Aranza says she has no reason to attend the party, of someone who is supposed to love her but has never loved her. She is sad and misty-eyed and on the verge of tears. Aurelio puts his arms around her and hugs her.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now