He is shocked when Isabella strolls in. Isabella looks around and glares at Gina. Antonio asks her, what she is doing there. Isabella asks him, whether he forgot, they are having a child together and smiles sweetly. Antonio stares at her with pure annoyance. He says he hasn't forgotten. He pauses then adds that he will provide her and the child with whatever, they need, but marrying her, is out of the question. Isabella stares back at him unfazed and says that he would rather, repeat history, because of that 'village twit' (points at Gina). Antonio walks up ahead and stands in front of her. He tells her, that he will not allow her to come and ruin his and Gina's weekend and insult them.

Isabella says that they had such good times together, and they would have worked their problems out, were it not for Gina intruding into their love story. Antonio rolls his eyes and says she is crazy. He says they have been through for nearly two years. Isabella reminds him, that neither of them has been in a relationship, for that time, until that 'hoochie', came to confuse him. Antonio says he wasn't in a relationship, out of choice, because he wanted to take a break, because she was so toxic.

Isabella puts her arms around him and asks him, to stop lying to himself, and admit that he loves her. Isabella moves her head aside, glares at Gina, then says that Gina is just a distraction for him, and he is using her to punish her (Isabella).

Isabella adds that no one can love him quite like her. Antonio pushes her away. Isabella tells him that, that is not the way for him to treat the mother of his future child, especially because of some tramp. Gina decides she has had it and walks forward. She tells Isabella to leave or she will personally kick her out. Isabella dares her to try. She then calls Gina a street rat, Antonio picked up. Gina moves in and starts pulling Isabella's hair. The two ladies, begin fighting. Antonio moves in to quickly pull them apart. He starts to gently escort Isabella out, but she begins to fight back.

Antonio unhands her and says that if she does not love herself, she should at least care about the baby and stop doing things that might harm the baby. Isabella sneers at him. She says it is ironic that now, he pretends to care, about the baby, but he won't marry her after making her pregnant. Antonio runs his hands through his hair. He cannot believe he ever loved her, she is crazy! Gina tells Isabella to tone it down, a notch, and adds that she too is pregnant, and is not going to let her (Isabella)'s craziness affect her (Gina's) child. Isabella is momentarily shocked by the news. Antonio is also shocked Gina told Isabella.

Isabella looks from Antonio to Gina and back. She asks Antonio if he is sure the child is his. Gina pushes forward to attack Isabella but Antonio stops her. Antonio tells Isabella that if she does not leave, he will call security to throw her out. Isabella says it will not be necessary, because, she is leaving. She picks up her handbag, smiles, and leaves.

When she leaves, Antonio looks at Gina. She is a little shaken by the whole confrontation, and so he hugs her.

Gina says she is sure, Isabella will gladly tell his grandmother. Antonio agrees and says it is better, that way because, there are no secrets, and everything is out in the open. Gina says (to herself) that there is still a whole bridge to cross, because, the biggest secret still remains and she can't tell him yet. Antonio senses her distance and asks her if she is okay. Gina says she is. As often, Antonio senses she is keeping something big from him.

Back at the mental institution, John is taking a leisurely stroll, in the garden. He again has a flashback, in which there is a young man, with two, children, a boy, and a girl, who appear, to be twins. This time he is with the children, in what appears to be a large open ground, having a picnic with them. He is carrying the girl, and the boy is playing with a toy. He asks himself, who they are.

Elsewhere, Carlos asks Helena, what has got her so worked up. She says that that "stupid" niece of hers is pregnant. Carlos is lightly shocked. He says that there is something about Hector and Gina that always puts him on edge. Helena says that she warned, Adrianna, that if she had the child of that no good lout, there would be consequences. Helena adds that she would not let that child inherit anything. Carlos tells himself that it does not matter, whose child Adrianna is carrying, because it is only Aranza who is central to his plans to control the Montes de Alba fortune.

Later that day, Armando and Ramon are talking outside Ramon and Clara's house, in their neighborhood. Armando voices his concerns over his sister's constant visits to see John and says that he has suspicions that his mother is upto something. Ramon says that his (Armando)'s mother might be prone to getting upto mischief, every once in a while, and is always plotting some scheme or the other but she loves Anna Patricia, and would never harm her. Armando says that nonetheless, he is worried about Anna Patricia falling in love with John, and the complications that would surely follow, because of his medical condition, and whatever complicated family situation that awaits him when he recovers.

Elsewhere, Claudia goes back over the conversation, she had with Isabella earlier. Gina is pregnant, with Antonio's child. Claudia says that with someone like Gina, she cannot be sure. She says she will ensure that gold-digger does not get a cent of the Diaz fortune. She says she will protect the family fortune, and Antonio because he is love-struck and unable to think. She says that Gina cannot be her future granddaughter-in-law.

Later, Isabella, Marianna, Alejandro, and Horacio, meet for a crisis meeting. Horacio is incensed that Gina is pregnant with Antonio's baby. Alejandro meanwhile wonders if Adrianna might be pregnant as well. Horacio says that with Gina pregnant, and Adrianna most likely as well, their plans have been ruined. Isabella says that their plans have not been ruined, they have only been postponed. Alejandro looks at her like she is crazy, and asks her how the situation, can be salvaged because he sees no way out. Isabella smiles and says while it is not a simple matter, they are going to wait until the babies are born, and switch them. Marianna, Alejandro, and Horacio look at her like she lost her mind, but Isabella only smiles.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now