Lost - Part 3

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Padmé was shaking.

The shuttle thrummed beneath her seat, Fordo kneeling in front of her. He was wrapping her wrist, his precision similar to that of Jar Jar's instead of someone who had medical training. She supposed that he wasn't used to doing rescue missions.

Alpha was hovering over Ahsoka who had been laid onto an empty bunk, the Togruta deathly silent beside her wheezing. The commando was quiet as well, his medical expertise apparently more thorough than Fordo's as he pushed a series of hypos into her arm.

"You spoke to the Council?" Fordo asked out loud, tying a double knot into the end of the bandage.

Alpha hummed, "They'll be waiting for us."

Padmé stared at Ahsoka's unmoving body. If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of her chest, she would've thought that the girl was dead. Alpha moved, blocking Ahsoka's face from view. Padmé's gaze fell to her feet, guilt overwhelming her.


She sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "Yes?"

"I asked if you had other injuries," Fordo's helmet tilted, "There's bruising on your neck."

At that, Alpha turned around, his helmet now removed so she saw his scars twist as he frowned. Padmé touched her neck, pulling away quickly. It was tender and sore, thanks to Dooku.

"Nothing that won't heal," she said hoarsely, eyes focusing on Ahsoka again, "Will she be alright?"

"She will if they can figure out what he gave her," Alpha sighed, turning back to the Jedi, "Temp's elevated, pulse is slow. Common symptoms of toxins in the bloodstream. She's also showing symptoms of overexposure to electricity. I can keep her stable until we reach Coruscant."

He was looking down at her with a fond expression, very much like the look Captain Rex would give the young girl.

"I'm sorry," Padmé admitted, her voice breaking, "I never meant for her to get hurt. I never meant for any of this."

Fordo sat back on his knees, removing his helmet at last. His face was as burly as any other clone- a distinct tattoo of two sevens below his right eye.

"Respectfully, Senator, I'm sure Commander Tano weighed the risks before agreeing to escort you to Raxus. It wasn't your brightest idea, but it was bloody brave of you."

"Fordo's right," Alpha added, "Not many politicians would risk personal safety to discuss peace with a Seppie."


Mina knew what was coming.

She'd known her fate before the clone troopers had left the prison facility with Padmé and Ahsoka in tow. She'd known what the consequences would be for aiding the Republic's rescue mission.

But she had no regrets. Padmé was her friend, and Ahsoka was too young and pure to be killed.

"I'm going for a meeting with Count Dooku," she told Lux, wishing she could kiss away the lines of worry on his forehead. "Stay here."

Her son nodded, and Mina walked away.

That was the last time she ever saw her son.


"Skywalker here."

"They have Ahsoka and Padmé."

Anakin sprung out of his chair, tipping it over in the process. The tedious adjustments he was making to some droid parts, in an effort to stop himself from wearing a hole in the floor, was suddenly forgotten.

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