Sandstorm - Part 2

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Ahsoka has to crawl out from underneath the collapsing sheet of metal.

Her breaths are short, laboured, and she knows that the door has done some damage. Nausea sweeps through her, and for a fleeting second, she thinks she'll pass out before she can get through to the back cabin, and when Anakin can't hold the door up, it'll cut her clean in half.

The sight of one of her shinies sawed in half after being run over by a Separatist tank flickers through her mind, and that gives Ahsoka the motivation to push through the agony. It wouldn't be fair for Obi-Wan to lose two Padawans in one day, and who would look after the 501st?

She's still dizzy with pain, but she can just about sit upright once she's clear of the door, leaning on her hands and knees whilst taking slow, deep breaths.

Kriff, that hurt.

The door makes a loud bang as it slams shut- Anakin's strength failing.

She puts a hand to her side and instantly regrets it, feeling searing pain through her chest. She's broken ribs before, and this sensation is even worse. Her chest feels even worse than it did after being shot three times and having to be resuscitated a few months ago.

If she survived that, she'll curse herself for not surviving this.

Ahsoka coughs once, winces sourly, and then spits blood onto the floor. Not good at all.

"Are you okay?" Anakin asks, still watching her with concern laced in his eyes. He pushes himself onto his elbows, and for a moment, he looks like he's about to crawl over.

"I'm fine." Ahsoka rasps, expelling some of the pain into the Force before moving back to Anakin. She feels too weak to stand right now. "Let's get some drugs in you."

She places one arm around Anakin's shoulders to help him sit upright, muttering curses in her mind at the pain it causes her. Forcing a smile for her Master, she passes him two of the white pills- one for the pain and one for the shock- and helps him swallow them with some sips of water.

Whilst he's distracted, she takes her own dose of painkillers- dry. They have enough painkillers for the two of them, but not enough water.

"Have some more," she prompts Anakin, lifting the canteen to his lips once more and ignoring the pain that laces through her side.

"We ought to save what we have," Anakin argues, pushing her away.

"We should check your leg." She says, ignoring his protest and moving just enough so she can observe the wound without Anakin seeing the blistering pain on her face. The fabric seems to be holding the bleeding back- for now. That's a big relief.

"How long is Obi-Wan going to be?" Anakin asks, leaning back down again. It's clear his injuries have taken their toll- it's unusual for him to start asking about the rescue party so early.

"Hopefully not too long," Ahsoka sighs, crouching forwards so her ribs hurt less. "How are you holding up?"

She looks over at Anakin when he doesn't respond, and a surge of adrenaline passes floods her system when his eyelids don't twitch. She puts a hand on his forehead- notes that he feels warm. "Master?"

He just hums, not opening his eyes. Ahsoka furrows her eye markings and taps his cheek briskly, "Hey! Open your eyes, lazybones."

"Tired..." he groans, still refusing to follow her order, "Wanna sleep."

"You can sleep later." She puts the pad of her thumb under his eyebrow and pulls upward, forcing his eyes to open despite his groan of protest, "After you see the medics. Come on, Master; you know the rules."

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