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Anakin hates comas. 


Anakin hates comas.

He hates not being able to speak or move. He hates not being there in the aftermath of the battle and having to dump all his responsibilities on Rex and Ahsoka.

He hates knowing that he's injured and not being able to feel any pain. He hates not knowing when he'll wake up, or if he'll ever open his eyes again.

How many times has he ended up in a comatose state? Is this the third or fourth time in two years?

He can't help being a hero. Saving 35 clones from an explosion was worth it.

More than anything, he hates not being able to reassure his close friends that he's alright.

Ahsoka's sat by his bed. He thinks she's on his right side, judging by the sound of her tugging on her Padawan braid. Nervous habit, he knows.

If he could, he would take her hand and tell her that he'll be fine. He doesn't feel too badly hurt. It's not like he's in a bacta tank. Probably just a head injury. He'll be awake and rearing to go in a week or two. Nothing to worry about.

Around him and his Padawan, the medbay is bustling. Usually, Anakin gets a private room, but he knows of at least three clones who are injured beyond the medics' capabilities. There's nothing that can be done for them, but they at least deserve a quiet room to die in.

"Kix!" He hears Ahsoka call out softly, and the breeze against his face tells Anakin that the medic has just walked past.

"One moment, Commander." The medic replies, rushing on.

Ahsoka sighs- frustration swirling around her Force-signature. She doesn't understand that there are more badly wounded men than Anakin. He's pain-free and comfortable in a comatose state, not like the groaning men across the room.

Ahsoka's commlink goes off, and he expects to hear her answer it, but all she does is turn off the device.

Ahsoka, he scolds internally, you have a job to do.

Though, if she were in a coma, he wouldn't dare leave her side. Thank the Force, she's never ended up in the same state as he's in right now. Yet.

There's a sudden shout of pain from across the room, and Ahsoka gasps as the noise startles her. It's her montrals, making her more sensitive to sound. She once told Anakin that they were ringing for days after the Battle of Teth. He wonders if they're hurting now because of the explosion.

Has she been checked over yet by a medic? She wasn't too far from Anakin when the blast went off, and she was instantly by his side afterwards, pulling him off the field. What if she has a head trauma too? She might go to sleep in her quarters and never wake up.

"I'm all yours, Commander." Kix's voice cuts through the background noise, his soft timbre instantly calming Anakin's spiralling thoughts. "I can assure you that the General is just as comfortable as when you asked me ten minutes ago."

Ahsoka lets out a nervous laugh, "I'm not used to seeing Skyguy so quiet." Anakin can tell that her banter is forced.

"He's doing well, sir. He's breathing on his own, and his stats are great." Kix reassures gently, "Once we get back to Coruscant, we'll take him to the Halls of Healing for recovery. I think he'll be back on his feet sharpish, don't you?"

"I guess." She sounds apprehensive. He can imagine her rubbing her arm with one hand right now. "Is there anything I can do for him?"

A heart of gold. She may not act like it when she's giving him attitude and making snippy remarks, but Ahsoka's completely selfless when it comes to the people around her.

Star Wars the Clone Wars - One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora