Chapter 30: The THEOretical Limit

Start from the beginning


Walman, who held the camera, snapped the shutter furiously, capturing his teacher's electrifying performance.

A wide-eyed Fiolina let out a squeal, "I never thought that magic and martial arts combined will look so awesome! Personality aside, the Professor is so cool!"

"I see you are thinking the same thing as me," Meteos quipped from the side, a tone of amusement in his voice.

Realizing that someone had seen her breaking her neutral façade and gushing like a little girl, an adorable shade of red quickly adorned the beastwoman's face. The boy did not say anything further to the blushing Fiolina, snorted slightly before returning to look at the clearing and yelled at Robin.

"That's quite a fancy move you got there, Miss Robin! What happens to the 'simplest attack works the best'!?"

"What are you talking about!? Aren't we going to show off our moves? You cheeky brat, why don't you come here so that I can beat you with my simple moves!?"

"Hmph, maybe later!"

Although she sounded indignant to an outsider, there was no real heat in her tone as Robin yelled back in response to Meteos' teasing.

"Too bad, I didn't bring my staff here, otherwise things are going to be much flashier," Robin sighed, mentioning the one item that all Mages have. After moving toward a spot among the still intact stone pillars, Robin took a deep breath and proceeded with the next spell to be tested, bringing her clenched fists to form a cross in front of her.

"Spell number two, Lightning Creation Magic: FULL CHARGE!!"

Soon after she willed the spell to activate, the same magic particles emanated again, but this time they spread out until Robin's entire body was enveloped in a yellow crackling aura. Like the previous performance with Snake Lightning, Robin took a similar fighting stance, but instead of launching a long-range attack, Robin brought her lightning-covered fist toward the nearest stone pillar, destroying it in a single hit.

"Look at this, Lightning Straight!"


She continued the dance of destruction with the Full Charge, a lightning magic used to enhance the user's power and speed by enveloping them in a lightning aura, wildly running around the clearing destroying random stone pillars like a knife slicing through butter. All the while, her apprentices and the guest who was recording her can't stop marveling at the Professor who was probably venting all the stress accumulated over the work days and enjoying herself.

'Okay, this is two spells covered, now let's ramp this up a notch!'

Robin ran to a pillar and used it as a foothold to leap upwards. Then, while somersaulting in midair, she pointed her right hand at a faraway stone pillar, shouting the name of what was supposed to be the third spell installed inside the A.M. Revolution.

"Take this, THUNDERBOLT!!"

From that hand, a thin bolt of lightning shot up from the outstretched limb and impacted the pillar with a tremendous roar, reducing it to dust just like the other victims of Robin's attack.

"Wooooh! This is it, this is the Second-Generation Manadriver's power!" she exclaimed in realization, landing on top of a stone pillar after finishing the attack while the Full Charge was still covering her form. While normally a Mage can only cast one spell at a time because of the sheer concentration needed, which is the reason why mages rarely combine spells, apparently the A.M. Revolution's built-in computer translated Robin's desire to "destroy the stone pillars in a single hit" as keeping the Full Charge active at full power while she launched the powered-up ranged attack. The new Manadriver just displayed its ability to overturn yet another common sense of using magic or rather, surpassing its limitations with the help of advanced magic technology.

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