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Walking out into the crisp morning air is certainly a wake up call as to how cold it's gotten recently. It feels as though it happened over night, as small snowflakes fall onto the bare ground. Sadly, it isn't snowing quite enough to call off school, or to even stay longer than a few seconds once it lands before melting.

"I miss fall already," Harry complains as he zips his coat on.

"Yeah, it's freezing," I say, breathing into my hands as we walk.

"I should've ditched you for Zee's car," he says. I scoff, waiting for him to get slightly ahead before flat tiring him. He stumbles, before turning to me with a shocked look on his face.

"What did you expect after insulting my amazing company?" I smirk, causing him to roll his eyes and chuckle. 

"At least we're basically half way through the school year," he shrugs.

"Only half way?" I say dramatically. "I might as well drop out while I still can."

"Oh calm down, you drama queen," he smiles before changing the subject. "I still don't get why you quit football, though. I mean, you were always out last year practicing, every time I came over."

"Do you remember when we teamed up against the rest of the boys?" I ask, dodging the question with a smile on my face at the happy memory. I was happier when I played, now I'm bored and I don't have anything to take my mind off of all the shit in my life.

"I do," I smiles fondly. "I actually scored a goal."

"Yeah, on accident," I laugh. "I mean, you tripped on the ball and sent it flying."

"A win's a win," he laughs along. We continue talking all the way to school, and by the time we get there the snow has started falling hard. I get inside to the warmth as quickly as possible, even if it is to run into Nick. So yeah, today started off well, but it sure turned around quickly, resulting in me sitting out of the hot chocolate run with the boys. Oh, how I love school.

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