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I'm walking the halls with time to spare after lunch when I hear someone walk up to me. I turn around as a person smiles politely at me. It's a junior, his name is Trevor, and he's really good looking and quite popular, actually.

"Louis?" he asks me.

"Oh, hey Trevor," I say.

"Listen, I know we barely talk and shit, but we're in the same biology class and I've seen you around school. I thought you seemed really cool and so, I was wondering if you'd possibly go out with me tomorrow night to go out to eat?" I'm shocked at first, because obviously Trevor's always seemed pretty cool, but I really had no idea he was into guys.

"Oh, uh, yeah, that'd be cool," I nod, smiling shyly to myself.

"Great," he smiles. "I'll meet you there at 7, here's my number." He hands me his number written on a small slip of paper, and I say goodbye to him before I smile to myself, walking away dreamily. I've never been on a date before, so I'm honestly as excited as I am panicking. I'm in a great mood the rest of the day and I smile, saying hi to Harry happily as I begin walking with him.

"Hey, sounds like someone had a good day," he grins.

"It was pretty good," I shrug.

"Wanna tell me about it?" he asks. 

"I-I'm going on a date," I say quietly, shyly even, but he grins widely at me.

"That's great, Lou! Way to score 'em, whose the lucky girl? Is she pretty? Nice? Where are you all going?" My smile drops as I realize no one knows that I'm gay. My palms are sweaty as I look down, playing with the hem of my shirt as I build up my courage. It's just Harry, I know he would never judge me, but it hasn't exactly been an acceptable thing in the past.

"Oh, about that," I say quietly. "It's actually a g-guy."

"Oh," he says in surprise. "That's okay, nothing wrong with that." I let out a sigh of relief, smiling at him because I'm so glad he's okay with it.

"Thanks for being so cool about it."

"Thanks for telling me, I know it must've been tough," he says sincerely. "So, who is he?"

"Trevor, just a grade up. He's on the basketball team, I believe."

"Oh, that's right, I know him. He seems nice," he nods. I tell him all the details as we make it home. Harry drags me into the living room where the rest of the boys are sitting, telling them I have some exciting news. He probably didn't think about the fact that I haven't properly come out yet, so I'm not mad, though I am slightly terrified. 

"What's the big news, Louis?" Zayn asks.

"I, I uhh, I'm g-gay," I blurt out with wide eyes.

"Please tell me you're not just now figuring that out," Niall says, breaking the silence.


"We already could tell, bro, but props for telling us. That took guts," Zayn says.

"Louis has a date!" Harry smiles excitedly.

"You're kidding! Who is it?" Niall asks excitedly.

"Better not be a senior," Zayn mutters.

"Trevor, the junior," I answer, blushing like mad.

"Aww, he's nice," Liam smiles. "But be careful." They continue to ask question after question, and when they start teasing me, I go up to my room with red cheeks and a relieved smile on my face. I'm so glad they accept me.

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