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I'm late. Shit, my charger wasn't plugged in and my phone alarm didn't go off. Shit, shit, shit! I'm so dead. I should have left for school five minutes, what am I going to do? I'm sliding my sweatpants on with my toothbrush in my mouth and a comb stuck in my knotted hair. I tie the pant strings before finishing up with my teeth and I run downstairs with untied converse and my backpack open. Harry smirks at me as Zayn and his friends are gathered around the kitchen, and I only glare back at him.

"Rough night?"

"Not in the mood," I roll my eyes as I quickly grab the toast Zayn's eating from his hand.

"Don't even think about it," he warns, but I take a bite as I walk backwards towards the door.

"Wait," Harry says, walking up to me. I stop and he reaches his hand to my head, pulling a comb out of my hair as the other older boys chuckle. "Not sure that's the best accessory for you hair, kid."

"Thanks," I say meekly, looking at the time on the kitchen clock before my eyes widen. "Shit, bye you wankers!"

"Later!" they yell back, and I hear Zayn throw in a "shitface" so I flip him off while I hold the apple in my mouth as I make my way to school. I get there and a few kids shoot me dirty and judgmental looks when a hand grabs my bag and I stumble back before I'm turned around.

"Woke up late?" Nick smirks.

"What do you want now?" I ask.

"Unless you had a fun night, that is," he smirks, his friends chuckling.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes.

"You think he'd get laid. He's not limping, anyways. You forget he likes it up the ass," Trenton jokes, and the rest chuckle.

"I'm gonna be late, Nick," I sigh in annoyance. See, I act all tough but I'm holding myself back from pissing my pants out of fear. I'm lucky he hasn't swung at me, yet.

"Your little attitude is digging you a deep grave, you piece of shit."

"Just let me go, already."

"Fine," he smiles, letting me go too calmly for me to not be suspicious. I can't take the time to ask questions, though, because the bell rang three minutes ago and my class is upstairs. Well, today just keeps getting worse and worse.

And the day ended on a banger, with a blow to the stomach and the entire cafeteria laughing at me as I got milk poured onto my head and everyone was shouting and calling me cruel names. Today isn't the worst I've gotten, but it's not what I'd call a light bullying day, either. I keep my head down as I walk outside when I bump into, of course, Harry.

"Interesting shoes?" he asks.

"Better than yours," I say back lowly, and he scoffs as he looks down at his tennis shoes. He takes my bag and books naturally without a word, and I let him because honestly, I can't be bothered anymore by a difficult bag. 

"You're quiet today," he observes after a bit of walking.

"Just thinking," I shrug.

"About how much you love me?" he asks.

"If it helps you sleep at night, then sure, Harry."

"You know you love me," he grins, and I smile and roll my eyes because I have to admit, he isn't that bad.

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