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A week goes by, and it's Monday, yet again. Everyone hates this day of the week, but I believe I have a good reason to, seeing as I have to endure more beatings and encounters with the pieces of shit who decide to let me know how much they hate me, and it is only the beginning of the week.

A few classes go by and while I'm making my way to my last class before lunch, my books are slammed out of my hands. I look up, seeing Nick as automatically assumed, and I just roll my eyes as I go to pick them up, but he kicks me and I fall into the lockers completely. 

"You think you can roll your eyes at me?" he asks. I don't answer, getting up to pick my books off the floor. "You think you're better than me, do you?"

"Bye, Nick," I sigh, getting up and walking away.

"Yeah, walk away kid. We've got the rest of the week together," he chuckles, my stomach turning a bit at the though, but I continue walking before he decides not to let me go. The rest of the day, I'm put in a very bad mood and so when I'm about to start walking home, I hear a car pull up next to me.

"C'mon Zee, you're being unreasonable," Harry says as the car door opens.

"I told you to let me copy your homework or pay the price. This is the last resort, I'm afraid," Zayn sighs as Harry gets out.

"You're such a drama queen," Harry lets out a long sigh.

"Oh, hush down. It's a twenty minute walk, your legs will survive," Zayn chuckles as he drives away, and Harry turns to me.

"Oh, hey Louis," he says.

"Lost your ride?" I ask.

"Zayn's being a wanker because he's too lazy to do his own work," he chuckles. "You walk home from school?"

"Yep. Looks like you're joining me," I say, causing him to grin and shrug.

"You're better company, anyways," he says as we start to walk. "Why don't you catch a ride?"

"Don't like the crowd," I lie, not daring to let him know I have zero friends to catch a ride with.

"I don't blame you. Bus is too noisy."

"Sorry about my brother, but if you haven't figured it out by now, he's a bit of an ass."

"Tell me about it," Harry chuckles. "I don't know why I'm not just friends with you, instead."

"It's a question I think about often," I nod.

"So how's high school going for you?"

"Great," I say, forcing a smile on my face as I do. 

"Any lucky ladies caught your eye?"

"Afraid not," I shake my head. No one in the older grades know I'm gay, just the ones who hate me, and I'm too much of a coward to tell Zayn or his friends.

"Don't worry, no girl really peaked my interest from school, either," he relates. "Hey, doesn't football have practice today after school?"

"Oh, I quit," I answer.

"What? Why?" he asks.

"Wasn't my thing, I guess," I shrug.

"You can't be serious, Louis. You were like their best player, and you were pulled up to varsity as a freshman."

It definitely isn't because I was bullied by the guy whose spot I took.

"I guess I was alright, but it got boring."

"Too bad," he says as we approach the house. "Well, it was a nice walk, munchkin. Thanks for letting me tag along."

"Didn't have much of a choice," I reply.

"You cheeky little," he says, taking me in a headlock and ruffling my hair. I squirm out of his grip, fixing my hair as he chuckles and opens the door.

"Harry, is that you?" Zayn yells from the kitchen.

"And your brother, in case you forgot I live here too," I yell, causing Harry to laugh.

"Fuck off, go find one of your school mates to annoy," Zayn rolls his eyes as he walks towards Harry. My mood drops, thinking of my pathetic social life. I just flip him off as I walk up the stairs, Harry going off and talking to the others.

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