Stupid? (Foolish)

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"I- this game's impossible" I defend myself, shaking my head with a light chuckle.

"You had three guesses, and none of them were correct." He teases.

"Sorry I'm not an expert on chow-chow coleslaw, whatever that was." I sass, running a hand through my hair as the fake cheers play.

The camera switches off me and onto Jack, this gives me the opportunity to wipe my eyes quickly, but I make sure it only looks like I'm adjusting my glasses in case.

There's no point in being sad about it, right? I've already got previous ones right and I won't be the only one getting it wrong.

"Pfft- that's embarrassing." I laugh at Jack, who's also been told his answers incorrect.

Next, Austin announces Punz's loss, making Ranboo the winner once again.

"NINETEEN SEVENTY-ONE, JUNE!" Will announces, showing the bottles expiry date. Wow, I was nowhere close.

"June 1971 is when that expired." Austin clarifies.

I stare at Ranboo with my jaw dropped. How did he get that close?

"What numbers that?" Punz asks Ranboo, looking at his clipboard.

I don't hear their response but I'm curious on what he means, so I walk over in between both their podiums

"Oh." Punz responds to them with a nod.

I look at the date written on the clipboard. That must be what they're talking about. "Yeah, what number is that?" I ask.

"It's a seven! I said a seven!" Ranboo defends himself.

"It also looks like you did, like- eight."

"No- no, I just suck at writing." Ranboo sighs, looking at me as I look at the board once more. I guess I can kinda see it.

"He might not have brains, but he's got beauty." I Coraline jokes, making me pause in place.

Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult? Because I'm leaning to the later.

I try to brush it off and continue talking to Ranboo. I just want to carry on and forget what she said, but it's hard when they continue the joke.

"I'll give you 50." She continues, and I have to play along. I know it's only supposed to be a joke but it's starting to not feel like one.

"50?" I try to add excitement to my tone, as she winks at me.

"I've raised my price." she says, putting her glasses on trying to fake being seductive.

I walk back over to my podium with a fake smile.

"In today's dollars that's like, one hundred." she continues, getting ready to roll the table back-stage.

He might not have brains, but he has beauty...

Surely not... right? It's... it's not true.

I don't catch what the others are saying as my eyes begin to water again, for the fifth time this hour. My hands start to shake slightly, much against my will. The tears I have tried my hardest to keep back begin to leak. I need to leave. Now.

I tune back into their conversation, maybe we're going on break for a bit now? We have one every half hour and it has to of been half an hour since the last one. The breaks are for when we need water or need to go to the bathroom, usually during it, Austin and Will, will put on a show to keep the live audience entertained.

And thankfully, I'm right. Austin's just announced that we're going on break. So, I have around five minutes to gather by composure.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I manage to announce, and I quickly make my way off the stage.

I pass Carline on my way out, and I can't help but be glad. The last thing I need is for her to be asking me if I'm alright when I start bawling. I continue walking 'till I find a corner with no one around. I slide down the wall and bring my legs to my chest. I take the glasses off and throw them to the ground, letting the tears run free. I take a few shaky breaths and lean my head against the wall, running my hand through my hair.

I shouldn't be crying. It was only a joke. A simple, harmless joke. A bad one at that but still a joke. I'm too sensitive, that's it.

"Fools?" My name gets called after a few minutes, and I quickly wipe my tears away.

"Yeah?" I respond, wincing at the hoarseness of my voice.

"The breaks just about over- are you alright?" His eyebrows knit in worry.

I nod, standing up to come eye-to-eye to Punz. By now, my tears have probably stained my face, and my nose is probably all pink-like.

He doesn't buy my pathetic excuse of reassuring him. "No you're not. What's wrong?" He pushes.

"It's stupid, really." I insist.

"I doubt it if you're crying. You can tell me."

"I promise you, nothing's wrong. I just got too sensitive over a joke."

He remains silent, waiting for me to add more to the explanation.

"Okay, fine. Just everyone joking around, calling me stupid, is affecting me a little too much."

His expression turns soft, saddened even.

"No one's calling you stupid, not joking about it either." He says softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, yes, they are. What about the laughing? The laughing at me? And Coraline's stupid comment." I argue, removing his hand from my shoulder.

I'm frustrated. Why did he try to tell me what's obviously happening, isn't. The joke itself, I can handle. But him telling me that the jokes not even happening, I can't. Because if the jokes not happening, then they mean it. If it's not a joke, it's the truth.

"No one's laughing at you-"

Well they certainly weren't laughing with me.

"They were! And it would be worse if they weren't- because then- then it's the truth and no longer a joke. I... I just..." I trail off, my own words not even making sense to me anymore.

Punz grabs my face and wipes away the tears I didn't even know were spilling again. He brings me into a hug, and I cry into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I hiccup, hopelessly apologizing.

"Fools, you have nothing to be sorry about." Punz mumbles softy and waits for me to calm down.

I pull back, straightening up and wiping my face.

"Alright, let's just head back out." I say. I've been long enough.

"No- no." Punz stops me before sighing. "Foolish. I need you to know what no one thinks you're stupid. You were right, it's all just been a joke. We thought we were laughing with you; we would never laugh at you. Ever. I promise." He offers his pinkie.

"I... okay." I lock my pinkie with his.

"I promise you have both brains and beauty." He jokes, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

The surprise of the joke causes a laugh out of me. "Why thank you."
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