Running, Running, Never Stopping

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A/N : POV : The image above is of Johnny looking at you when you stood up for yourself against the greasers' teasing. (Comment better POVs, I suck)

You ran, your feet slapping the pavement below you as it began to pour. The rain hit your head as you sprinted away from him. You could still hear him laughing, but you knew he was too far away for that to be real. You could feel tears beginning to stream down your face. Eventually, you couldn't keep running. You slid down to the ground and wrapped your arms around your knees. You were sitting on a sidewalk in a small neighbourhood. You hadn't been here before. You buried my face in my knees and started to sob.

God, maybe he was right. Maybe nobody else would want me. Maybe, without him, I am nothing.

Suddenly, you couldn't feel the rain pitter-patter on you anymore, but you could still hear it. That meant that it hadn't stopped raining yet. You looked up to see a boy. He had dark skin and greasy black hair, but maybe that was just from the rain. He had large black eyes. He was blushing and holding an umbrella, tearing and rusting with age.

You blushed and stood up, rubbing your arms together. You quickly rubbed your eyes to make it look like you hadn't been crying just now, but you didn't think that it helped. Your mascara must've been running.

"S-sorry," he whispered. "A-are y'okay?" His voice was soft and he wouldn't meet your eyes. You examined him for a moment before figuring you could trust him somewhat.

"N-no," you replied, looking at your shoes. "I kinda wish I-I was s'mewhere else r-right now." You tilted my head up and looked at him once more. "Wh-what 'bout you?"

"I-I couldn'ta said it better," he said. You smiled weakly.

A car rumbled a bit down the road. The two of you turned over to see who it was. A white, beat-up Corvette was driving slowly towards you. You let out a swear and began backing away. It was Harry. Your ex-boyfriend. And he was drunk.

"Wh-who is that?" the boy asked, eyes wide with fear. You didn't answer. You turned and ran, the Corvette chasing after you. You ran and ran and ran, until you got to an empty lot with a fountain in the centre. You tripped, smacking your head against the ground. You felt something dripping down your nose. Blood.

"Where do ya think yer going, Birdie?" You heard Harry call out.

"Away from you," You muttered, standing up again. The car doors opened and slammed shut as Harry and his goons stepped out, carrying beer bottles. "Speak up, darlin'," Harry said loudly. They began to stalk towards you, and you started to back away. You tripped over a stone and fell backwards, the rain dripping into your eyes.

One of his goons grabbed your arms and pulled you up to meet his eyes. Harry started playing with your hair. "Yer hair is so beautiful, Birdie," he hissed. "It's nice n' bright. But." He pulled out his switchblade and held it up to your jawline. "You'd look so much better with short hair."

You suddenly couldn't take it anymore. You yelled out, screaming for help. Harry growled and shoved the knife into your mouth. "Shut yer mouth." You stopped screaming. He put his knife away and grabbed your face. "God, I can't stand yer lookin' so pretty." Then he punched you.

You struggled against his friend's grasp as Harry began beating you. You heard someone yell out, "Hey!" and, "Stop!" Before you could process what was happening, you were on the ground, crying softly as blood poured from your nose and your eye swelled with a bruise.

Then someone's arms were around you, holding you. You opened your eyes carefully to see the boy's face. He was hugging you tightly, looking past you. He looked down and smiled at you. "I got ya. S'okay now." You closed your eyes again and slipped into unconsciousness.

A/N : The rain scene is inspired by @_N_D_J_'s fanfic. I absolutely adored it. I hope you loved their writing as much as I do. (P.S. I tried to put it in my own words, but it's hard to beat their writing. If anyone has any problems, comment or DM me anywhere. :3)

-Stay Gold :D

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