Chapter 50: A Little Inspiration...

Start from the beginning


"Lovely names. So, are you guys looking for a gym battle?"

"Yes, but that's not why we came up here.", Lucas said, prompting Flannery's interest, "Me and Ellie were going to try and train our Pokemon to listen to commands more, since a couple are stubborn and won't listen. While, Harry just wants to train up his team for the eventual gym battle."

"Oh, I've dealt with a couple stubborn ones in the past. Mind if you show me one of them?"

Ellie was the first to offer out her Pokemon, giving Taillow's Pokeball to Flannery. Flannery tapped the capsule and out popped Taillow, who recognised Flannery and sat on her shoulder immediately. Flannery chuckled and rubbed Taillow's head, and only then did she recognise it as formerly belonging to Seijo.

"Did Seijo let you have this Pokemon?"

"Yeah, we did a trade for it. But, now that Taillow is not part of Seijo's team, it won't listen to me at all."

"So, do you miss Seijo?", Flannery asked Taillow, and Taillow quickly responded with a nod. Flannery looked to Ellie then back to Taillow and asked,

"Well, can you at least be willing to give Ellie a shot at being your trainer. I know you might miss Seijo, but she's trying her hardest."

Taillow looked at Ellie again, then hopped into the Pokeball, not willing to give Ellie another shot. Now, Ellie felt like she couldn't do anything to get Taillow on her side. She collected the Pokeball from Flannery, then a light bulb sparked in her head. She whispered into the Pokeball,

"Alright, I'll make you a deal. You fight my Mudkip, and if you win, you go back to Seijo, no strings attached. But, if I win, you have to listen to me for a week."

Suddenly, the Pokeball rattled and out popped Taillow, suddenly quite eager to listen to Ellie for once. Ellie held out a hand for Taillow to shake, and Taillow shook hands with Ellie. Then, Taillow circled into the air, ready for the battle. Ellie smiled as she equipped Mudkip's Pokeball and yelled to the others,

"I'd advice you to stay clear of the tall grass. It's going to be a splash zone!"

Mudkip appeared from the Pokeball, appearing just above the tall grass. Lucas, Harry and Flannery all sat perched on a rock, looking out at the battle. Flannery and Lucas then began talking about his stubborn Pokemon while Harry paid attention to the battle that was about to unfold. The wind blew against the tall grass and Ellie put up her hand to the face to act as a shield, then yelled to Taillow,

"I'll let you take the first move!"

Taillow suddenly soared down on the battlefield but didn't aim for Mudkip this time. Instead, it started to cut down any tall grass that Mudkip could hide in. Mudkip got ready to attack Taillow and was soon given the command,

"Water Gun! Try to guess where Taillow's going to move to!"

Mudkip's stream of water honed in on Taillow, who flew in all directions, cutting the shelter around Mudkip while avoiding the Water Gun. But, it became clear that Taillow couldn't do both effectively at the same time. Rather, the water gun began to get increasingly close to Taillow. It needed to make a move quickly, so decided to take an aerial approach. It soared into the air but found that it ended up doing the opposite of intended. Mudkip knew that Taillow would rise, and so aimed the water gun up before Taillow had even started to soar. So, Taillow ended up being blasted with water, letting out a cry as it descended towards the ground.

Taillow emerged from the tall grass once again, its feathers tainted with water from the excess blast. Taillow shook itself, spreading the water onto the grass, then bursting forwards and aiming directly at Mudkip with a Quick Attack. Mudkip was punched a little by the attack, but it didn't do much. So, when Taillow attempted to go down for another attack, Mudkip was already readying a counter.

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