You are on your periods?

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Our show was doing really well and we were very pleased to see that audience was loving our work and us in a real relationship but at the same time there were people who thought that we were faking it for the show and trp.

Tejasswi doesn't care about any of this she says we are here to do our job and not here to convince what we have that's personal.

Today my parents were going somewhere to meet some relatives so I got up and drove to Teju house for breakfast. Everyday she used to come to have breakfast together but today she didn't even picked up my call probably she's sleeping.

I rang the bell after three bell she came to open the door looking as grumpy as someone could be.

"Hiiii baby." I said, I tried to held her by her hands but she turned and went inside the room.

"You don't love me." She said with a pout while getting comfortable in the bunch of pillows she spread out on the bed I chuckled looking at this cute little child who I call mine.

"Where did you get that absurd idea?" I asked she glared at me.

"Since morning how many times have you called?" She asked.

"Two times." I answered.

"Exactly you didn't bother to call me third time and after 1 hour you are here you didn't cared something might have happened to me." She accused.

"Baby! I had to drop my parents then I came here directly." I told her. Till now I haven't even tried to go near her.

"Where's my morning coffee?" She asked I looked alarmed today our call time was at 2 so I forgot to get her morning coffee.

Her eyes filled with tears because of the silence.

"You don't care naa that I didn't have my morning coffee and you might have had your tea early in the morning." She stated which is true I had my tea I can't function properly if I don't take two three cups of tea.

Her tears started to fall.

"Baby give me fifteen minutes I will get your coffee." I said taking my phone out.

"No now I don't want it." She firmly said.

"Acha first stop crying." I said while going near her.

"No I am not going to stop crying I am already in so much pain now I am more sad and angry because the love of my life doesn't love me back." She said while crying more.

She just called me love of her life and I can't even be happy about it right now.

"Why are you in pain Laddoo? Did you got hurt somewhere?" I asked.

"Why would you care you don't love me." She said.

"Okay enough I know I forgot your coffee I came here late but stop saying I don't love you because we both know how much I love you." I said.

I went and sat beside her, held her hands which were cold for some reason.

"Now tell me why are you in pain?" I asked.

"Its the time of the month." She said quietly.

"You are on your periods?" I asked to confirm.

She shook her head in affirmative.

Now I get why are her moods has skyrocketed I wiped her tears and kissed all over face to calm her down.

"It's okay I will look after you." I said every month something similar does happen but this time I guess I upset her early in the morning.

You see meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora