Oh now you think I am fat too

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After my conversation with Tejasswi I facetime my parents where I expressed how I felt over the years.

"I know you might think what am I saying but I have always felt that you were more connected with my Meenu and others than me." I stated.

"That's true at some points but it doesn't mean we don't love you bachai." My mom said emotionally.

"But why?" I asked.

"Because somewhere we felt that you wanted space from us and you had yout whole life ahead where we both didn't knew anything about so we let you do whatever you wanted to make you happy." Dad explained.

"Okay then what about when I was going through break up and with all those allegations? You guys never came here to look how I was doing!" I cried helplessly.

"Yes we didn't came because you shut all of us out! there were days when you actually blocked our numbers because you thought we were interfering too much so we let you be because that's what you wanted." Dad angrily said.

I started to realise that it was not only them who build a barrier between us but I was equally responsible.

"I don't want to discuss it further but I just wanted you both to know that I miss you and I was very disheartened that you both cancelled coming here at the last moment I was really looking forward." I finally told them.

They looked at me completely surprised by my confrontation but it had to happen because I know I would have again kept it all inside me and let things the way they were and regret later so it's better this way.

"You want us there?" Mom asked confirming that she heard correct. I nodded my head in positive.

"Not only that I want you both here permanently!" I said.

"What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"I want you both to shift here permanently with your work and everything." I told them with seriousness that I mean it.

"What about your lifestyle? And what if your girlfriend doesn't like that we are always there?" My mom asked  carefully trying not to offend me. I smiled at them and then looked at my silly girl who probably is eating chocolate while sitting on the kitchen slab, would she mind? Nah she would actually dare to even ask my parents to bring something to eat for her or tell my mom what she wants to eat, I can actually imagine the whole scene and frankly it all felt peaceful and homely feeling.

"No mom you have no idea how that girl is I know you both haven't met her formally but I am sure once you both know her you are going to forget if I even exist." I told them without exaggerating anything and they laughed.

"Okay let us think about it but Karan it was nice to finally hear and clear every unsaid misunderstanding because it's true that we missed you for so many years even if we talked on the phone or see you we always felt that something was missing and I think it was this talk that was missing but I am glad it's all cleared." Dad said with teary eyes I looked at them and for the for time I was looking differently like I am finally understanding their dilemma where they both and my sisters had to adjust with my TV industry life because before this I only thought I had a hard life building and surviving in this industry but I forgot that they were also struggling with me and my lifestyle.

After the call I felt lighter like a heavy weight was lifted up from my chest I quickly went to search for Teju and as I had expected she was sitting with a chocolate bar in her hand while using mobile sitting on the kitchen slab.

"Hey." I lovingly said interrupted her she looked at me with a wide smile as I was coming towards she jumped on me I catched her with ease while she wrapped her legs around me.

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