You are my three days worth coffee

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Party was at its full swings and Tejasswi actually listened to me she didn't wandered around, good for her!

She makes me so mad she has no freaking idea, I care about her and more importantly I stay so patient with her all the time but today she compromised her safety.

For the first time after my family I felt scared that she might get hurt and what made me angrier that I wasn't there to save this child like lady.

The paps totally surrounded her and were clicking pictures from every angle she was just looking down and walking fast I have seen all paps videos she could have got hurt as she was also talking to me. She never sees around when she is walking I have never seen someone clumsy and accident prone like her.

I didn't wanted to shout at her and hurt her so I just kept silent but this girl went beyond in making up to me, my anger takes time to go and my mood to get better but she is just crazy. She has not leaven me for a minute she is engaging my mind and that's actually amazing because then I am not overthinking I am actually enjoying the party as well because before if for some reasons I used to get angry or I get upset I used to go into my overthinking zone and that would just worsen my mood.

I love her but she needs to learn she can't do this ever again.

I stood by a table alone for a while Tejasswi was talking to her friends but I could see her she is actually trying her best to be close to me all the time here I can't claim my rights on her as the world knows us as on screen couple but they don't know off screen she is my whole world I was drinking wine, I felt someone was pulling my coat to gain my attention, I definitely know who is doing that! its my girl! I love it that I can call her my girl just like she said my man when she was going to put face mask on me. I felt owned, protected and belonged that all I ever wanted from my relationship she make me happy so so much happy! She just so kiddish and cute antics like right, she is to pulling my jackets like a child to gain my attention I turned my face she looked at me with the most innocent face she could mustered.

"Kundri I want to dance." She said in her baby voice.

"So go!" I said why is she asking me? I can't dance I have two left feets surely not opted best for dancing.

"No na I want to dance with you." She whined and came more closer to me, she fixed my collar and now she was looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Acha chlo but only one song." I told her can I ever say no to her?

We both went on the dancefloor I moved hands to place her waist but she hugged me and put her face on my chest. We moved to slow beat of the music it felt calming.

"Karan please let's forget naa? I miss you." She said vulnerably. Her voice was so low if she wasn't standing so close to me I would have definitely missed what she said.

"I thought I could go around like this but I can't I could feel your eyes but not your touch and it doesn't sits well with me please forgive me I will do whatever punishment you want to give me but please start talking to me." She said with her voice cracking too like she could cry any moment.

I hugged her tight, I don't want to her to feel like this. I forgot everything and told her to look up in my eyes.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked very softly.

"I am not liking this you are too far from me we do usually stay apart infront of the people but we still manage to stay close but right now I am feeling so disconnected from you." She explained.

"And what about right now? I am hugging you, close to you I am even smelling your hair are you still feeling that I am far away from you?" I asked trying to make her understand my anger my mood nothing will matter infront of her she will always be my first priority no matter what.

"No, right now I am feeling warm and nice after hours I am close to you! without you being angry at me I have never felt like this people have gotten angry at me before but I have never felt so out of place before." She explained.

"Okay come here I need to see you right now." I said while I pulled her out of the dancefloor to take her on the corner.

"What do you mean? You are seeing me." She asked but walked with me.

I took her out in the garden and cornered her so nobody see us put my one hand on her waist and pulled her closer to me and the other one on the wall.

I kissed her passionately and she kissed me back, I missed her so much why was I angry? I had forgotten everything this girl makes me lose my mind at the same time keeps me sane. After a while I pulled back and saw her she looked at me with soft gaze, her eyes makes me love myself I feel I have done something good in my life to be blessed with someone like her who sees me like this her gaze makes me feel loved and cherished, I never knew the way one sees you can make such a difference in your life.

I kissed her eyes then moved towards her cheeks placed plenty of kisses slowly.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked her to make sure if she's okay or is she still feeling gloomy because I was not talking to her.

"Kiss me some more I am starting to feel okay." She said with eyes closed.

I laughed "you do know na that I was the one who was not okay with you and I am here who is making sure that you are feeling okay." I teased her but compelled with her wish and kissed her some more on cheeks, forehead and neck.

"Now? I huskily asked as I was losing control.

She cleared her throat to snap herself to reality and we both stood straight but still close.

"You looked extremely hot in this dress." I complimented her I wanted to say that the moment I saw her but I refrained myself at that time later in the party I could see people were staring at her I wanted to kill or take some of the men eyes who just couldn't stop checking her out.

"Finally! You know kitna wait kiya mainai kai tm kuch bolo buttt I am happy that you said something about how I looked today." She happily said.

"So we are okay right?" She asked slowly like to confirm if I was still mad at her.

"Yes we are but there are two punishments for you one that you left salon without checking if the car was outside second you don't look around when you walk and due to that you hurt your leg with the rock that was beside your car door thank fully it was nothing big so that will teach you to never compromise on your safety." I said seriously.

She nodded her head. "As long it assures you are going to talk to me I am ready to take any punishment." She said confidently.

"Nice, so first punishment is you are not going to have your coffee for three days." I said just to tease her I was not even planning to punish her but right now it looks really appealing to tease her.

Okay but remember you are my three day worth coffee!" She instantly agreed now I actually want to see how she will manage without coffee for not one but three days.

"Cute, second punishment is that you are going to watch that documentary with me that you said it will bor you." I said smilingly hoping she would whine or make faces.

"Okay." She agreed with no irritation. I looked at her suprised that she agreed to both of my punishments.

"Bs you don't stop talking to me." She said and hugged me.

Was me not talking to her effected her so much? Somehow I felt nice it's good to have someone who is concerned about you cares about you and most of all craves for your presence I thought I was the only one who thought like this about her but it's other way too I just smiled and hugged her tight.

Life's a rollercoaster a scary ride though but it you have someone beside you who you trust and love then the same ride becomes beautiful, adventurous and worthwhile. With you Tejasswi I am seeing my rollercoaster ride life as the most beautiful ride I have been on I guess I just found the "one" with whom I can spend my whole life.

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