Pride and prejudice? Really?

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We were all called for the shot I looked around the set to see someone who is nowadays always roaming in my head constantly.

She was sitting in the corner reading a book.
A book? She is not interacting with others strange.
I went up to her and sat beside her. She looked up at me and smiled....she looked so cute I was lost in her smile she has chubby cheeks and it just makes her so adorable.

I snapped myself out from these thoughts what is wrong with me I have known this girl for only one day and I can't stop myself from adoring her.

"Why are you sitting here?" I asked her curiously.

"Ummm I don't know anyone here so I was little shy to talk to anybody and usually in my previous projects I interact very minimum with people." She told me.

Okay it means she maintain professional behaviour but I don't want that I want her to talk to me. Shit again my mind is wandering.

"But you can sit here we can talk because I have never worked for this big project before and this is giving me anxiety. But I know you have worked before with this production right? Tm nervous tw nhi hogai zada like me?" She offered me to sit here and I was the most delighted person to comply.

"I have worked before with this production and even with the director too but no I am always nervous and scared for any project meri kosish hoti hai to give my best but I get nervous and scared kai pta nhi Mai Acha kr paonga ya nhi." I said

"Really? I mean have you seen your work? But I guess it's good that you feel that way it just gives you a push to do more hard work." She said

I get really happy when she speaks so highly of me like she doesn't judge me for anything bad but just appreciate the way I am.
I looked beside her and saw which book she was reading. I chuckled softly.

"Pride and prejudice? Really? Did you liked the story?" I asked.

"Yeah it's nice my friend recommended it to me so I thought why not and so far I liked it.

Talking to her was easy with out the need to be someone I am not I don't have to pretend around her I like what I am feeling around her.

We were called for our shots and ACTION!!

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