Chapter 4: The Overwatch Strike Team

Start from the beginning

Audio extract from a confidential, but leaked, tape recording the interview for Jack Morrison, before he was made a member of the Overwatch Strike Force (US MILITARY, 2046)

Morrison: "So ███████, is this where I get my first raise?"

Interviewer: "No, no Jack, something far more important. "

Morrison: "Oh yeah? Well let's hear it."

Interviewer: "I'm sure you've heard rumblings about an international task force under the control of the UN to fight the Omnics. What are your general thoughts on that?"

Morrison: "Well I think it's necessary, me and my boys have been fighting a losing battle for months, we need to change something and I'm hopeful that cooperation between other countries could help the war effort."

Interviewer: "Interesting, and you are definitely a team player Jack, all the people I have spoken to about your combat performance say that you prioritise communication and support in your group, some people say that you make the best out of people, what do you have to say to that?"

Morrison: [slight chuckle] Well that's very kind, I would agree that the team is very important to me, we all need to work as a unit in order to succeed, but I don't know if that's me necessarily, I would give some praise to those under my command."


Excerpt from a biographical novel written about the early years of the Overwatch Strike Team, detailing the members who originally founded the team and important milestones, Overwatch: Origins (Harold Wilson, 2070)

"Often seen as the third to the core trinity of the Overwatch Strike Team (Reyes, Morrison, Amari) is Ana Amari from Egypt. Renowned for her incredible ability with a rifle. She was seen as the top sniper of her time, outclassing every other marksmen from all across the globe. Amari was also proficient in many forms of medicinal work and was indispensable on the battlefield in terms of support and firepower. Amari's goal always seemed to make a better world for her daughter and for those she loved, holding much responsibility for the teammates, taking on an almost motherly role."


Audio extract from a confidential, but leaked, tape recording the interview for Ana Amari, before he was made a member of the Overwatch Strike Force (EGYPTIAN MILITARY, 2046)

Interviewer: 'Ahlan Ana, it's nice to meet with you today.

Amari: 'Ahlan ███████, I hope this is a productive meeting.

Interviewer: "Indeed, so do I. Ana, from my understanding and from those I've spoken to, they have piled so much praise upon you in terms of your skill but also your support of team members, what do you say?"

Amari: "Well I wouldn't want to be arrogant, but yes I would say that I am quite proficient. I would much rather focus on my role as a support, that's where I find much more pride."

Interviewer: "It's very obvious from how you speak that you see helping your fellow man as far more important than any battlefield glory."

Amari: "Yes, when I am on the battlefield, I have a responsibility to my friends, and I couldn't stand losing any of them."

Interviewer: "I overheard that you have a young daughter? four or five years of age, do you feel that you fight for her, are you ever worried about the image you give to her?"

Amari: "Yes, my daughter Fareeha, she is the light of my life. I fight for not only her but for the world that she will inherit once we leave. I hope that she recognises that we fight now so that she can live as she wishes."

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