Chapter 3: Subject #17 - 'The Doomsday' Part. 1

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DATE: 28/11/2044


SITE LOCATION: ███████ ██

Dr. Paul [L/N]

Entry 1: When I was first brought into this experiment via a friend who had some high level connections, my initial understanding was quite limited. I had just some vague notions that we would creating new weapons to fight against the Omnic threat ravaging across the world. After the introduction however, it would appear that the core experiment is specifically rooted in genetic modification and rapid evolution. I'm still not sure on all of the details around the experiment, but we seem to be investigating some pretty groundbreaking stuff.

I am still sceptical and worried about the moral implications of this research. The test subjects are supposed to be children ranging from the ages of eight to sixteen, and that is all the information available to us at this time. It doesn't seem right, using children to test experiments seems wrong. The problem is that it would seem I'm stuck here now though. We had to sign an pretty all encompassing non disclosure agreement and I've been contracted for this specific experiment a few years. Which at the time didn't seem like such a bad deal, good pay, company vehicle scenic route to work out in the woods. Now that I'm here, I'm not so sure...

The experiment is backed by the government. I briefly overheard that the British Prime Minister wants to present their own 'grand response' to the Omnic Crisis, similar to that of the mechs in Germany and Russia. I've also heard whispers that the Americans are attempting to make their own enhanced soldiers, albeit in a completely different fashion to what we are doing. It would appear that there is an arms race of sorts, each trying to beat one another to the punch. It's so stupid, the whole planet is suffering and politicians are still at each other's necks. There isn't anything I can do now, might as well go on with it. I haven't got a choice otherwise.

I will attempt to update frequently, but no promises.




DATE: 05/01/2045


SITE LOCATION: ███████ ██

Dr. Paul [L/N]

ENTRY 7: Well the winter season is in full swing, and I've gotten more adjusted to this new phase of my professional life. I'm still quite unsure about the whole ordeal. There have been many weird things that I've seen during my time here.

The Lead Scientist, Dr Bertron, seems like a nut case. A brilliant nut case. He is incredibly smart and seems to have an answer to every problem, leagues above the rest of the staff. However, he is such an arse! He has this snobby, arrogant nature to him, and always has a snappy remark to every question, in order to assert his superior intelligence over all of us. It's so tiring. Lots of the practices we are using seem very experimental to say the least. I've never used some of this equipment, all very state of the art. I seem to be keeping up alright as of right now.

The general description of the soldier we are going to create still being unknown doesn't help my scepticism. Bertron keeps saying how he will have his own personal Hercules or Odysseus, and how it will 'blow those phoney cowards away' whatever that means. What confuses me is that they called this specific experiment the 'Doomsday'. What sort of name is that for someone meant to protect the masses. I don't know, it seems like they are setting themselves up for failure with this.




DATE: 14/06/2045


SITE LOCATION: ███████ ██

Dr. Paul [L/N]

ENTRY 25: It has been a little while since my last update, but there has been rapid progress in the last few weeks and month. It would seem that way anyway. The actual serum that we have come up with is in its first usable state and seems to have had some success. When used on animal subjects, with an increase in speed, strength and general mental efficiency. The one caveat seems to be that the animals develop a layer of skin similar to that of rock or stone, which increases the durability of the subject, but we don't know the long lasting effects of the hardening. We have been discussing how the rock exterior would not be a good look if we are creating a hero for the people. Bertron blamed us, we supported ourselves. After a long night of arguing we came to the conclusion that we should attempt to make it so that the human test subjects have some way to turn into the 'Doomsday' form as we have named it. And also revert back to a human form on command. We acknowledge that this will take much longer however, we think it will be better in the long run.

We have also had our first look at the testing group who we will be 'voluntarily working' with us. I highly doubt the legitimacy of this experiment but I can't do anything about it. There is this one young child who. I felt quite sad when I saw him, he had bleak, grey eyes, probably an orphan from the Omnic Crisis. So many families separated, tragic.

We had an opportunity to interact with the children in our down time, which Bertron warned against, but we continued with anyways. We felt quite bad for the kids and wanted to support them in some small way. I went to the young child who I had seen before, sat down right next to him and sat in silence. He seemed quite introverted, as he was sitting by himself. Again, those dark eyes, as if he had seen something that he shouldn't have seen, I felt horrible. I wanted to help this child now in any way I could.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" I asked him, before realising that I had little to no interaction with children of his age. I didn't really know how to communicate that well with them, in a way that would support him. Hell, I had just barely only broke free from University where I spent most of my time studying. I didn't take all that much time socialising with people my own age, nevermind those younger than me!

The child seemed unsure of what to do, or maybe he didn't hear or care to answer me. It was hard to tell, but I continued, needing to help this kid. "What's your favourite animal?" I asked, scolding myself mentally for saying such a stupid thing. I wasn't cut out for this. I have no experience.

"[F/A]", the kid said. I was somewhat taken back. The child's voice was coarse and rough, and very quiet, but I knew he had spoken. Now that I had got him talking I had a way in. "Oh yeah? that's my favourite animal too!". This small talk went on for a while, with me asking questions and getting short, concise answers, but I knew over time he was getting more comfortable talking to me. We exchanged names, I told him mine was Paul [L/N], he said meekly [Y/N], "Just [Y/N]?" I responded, he nodded. I immediately knew that this child had been through some trauma, and whether it was in tandem with the Omnic Crisis or not, he had lost his family in some way.

From that point onwards, every time we got some opportunity to interact with the children, I would always go to talk with [Y/N] straight away. Over the months he had stayed here, some colour had returned to his face and he seemed to have filled out a bit, I was glad. I felt that we had grown closer over time, and noticed that he seemed to smile slightly when talking to me rather than his sour expression any other time of the day.

To the majority of these scientists and the government he was experiment Number Seventeen out of hundreds of candidates. A mere statistic never to be heard of unless they were successful. But to me, he was [Y/N]. I didn't really care about the results of the experiment, all I wanted was for this child to be safe, and I would do all I could to make sure this kid makes it through. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I fail.

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