Chapter Five : My Students..

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Hello babies
Ik mother broke her promise
And I'm sorry
But I'm back now so let's gooo 🗿
Also i have added three new and original characters of mine as naruko's students so yeah just to clear that up🗿

Naruko's POV

It has been two years that I've been in this timeline

Tho every thing is going peacefully

Me and my gennins are doing a mission rn a small mission, it ain't a big deal

"NARUKO-SENSEI!!" my students yelled at me

"BEHIND YOU!" my other student said i looked behind me and grabbed a shuriikin that was thrown at me

Well at least for me it wasn't a big mission 🗿

But for my gennins I'm not so sure, i mean they're doing pretty good

I'm just standing and watching them fight

And now that i think abt it they don't have popcorn in here 😔

"I grabbed it dw!" I said to them with a bored expression

"Okay ya know what this is enough, it's getting boring now that i don't have my popcorn with me" i said as i went to the rouge ninja and karate chopped his head and he fell to the ground

I went to the other ninja and twisted his head and that made him dead

(Okay but that kinda rhymed🗿🗿)

"Let's go, and report this to the hokage" i said with a smile

My students Were looking so damn scared, and I'm glad i like for my students to have fear for me and also love (as in her kids, she thinks of them as her kids)

"And we should also bring this weakling to the hokage" i said as i pointed to the guy who was unconscious with my karate chop

"Yes Sensei!" All of them said, naruko smiled a bit

The two boys carried the rouge ninja

"Let's go" said naruko, naruko and her girl student were talking with Each other, while the two boys were carrying the unconscious man

When they got there :

"OOF!" said the two boys giving the rouge ninja to the jonins,

"Kami my back hurts now" said the dirty blonde haired boy with green eyes

"I know, same goes to me" said the boy with white hair and red eyes

"*Giggles* well naoki, isamu and Kasumi, you guys did great at the mission today so y'all are free for the rest of the day" said naruko with a smile to her gennins

The three gennins lighted up a bit, and smiled at their sensei

"Arigato Naruko-sensei!!" Said all three of them before jumping away

Naruko just smiled at them "well they sure did grow strong then when i first met them" said naruko remembering her meet with her students


"So naruko, since your in this time line and your doing nothing, i thought abt making you a teacher for a gennin team" said hashirama, naruko stared at him

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