I Am 2E

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This was surreal. 2B was looking upon herself in every sense of the term. Not just body but mind as well. Even soul as well if androids had one. 2E. Her true self.

Other 2B's outfit has clearly been through a lot, and even more modifications were added to keep it intact. Her left arm was concealed by a shoulder cape. And she had fastened a waist cape to make up for her lack of a skirt. Executioners were already embodiments of death. And now all the flowing cloth made Other 2B look like a living shadow in the forest.

Other 2B put away her sword and began walking toward her. 2B probably should've been on edge. Gotten ready for a fight or expected this move to be an attack. But she was just too stunned.

"Well, so glad you could make it," Other 2B said, walking over and putting her hands on 2B's shoulders. The touch was...familial in a way. It wasn't like how one would touch a family member like a sister or their child. Guess it was because she wasn't Other 2B's sister. She WAS this other 2B.

2B was frozen stiff. A glitch in her processor can happen. But she never thought she could actually feel glitched.

"How is this possible?" 2B breathed. She asked the question, but she already knew.

There were plenty of possible ways this could have happened. A glitch in the data backup system. Perhaps there was an error and a version of her didn't perish in battle like YorHa thought. Of course those were just the options that could take place in this cycle. There was nothing to say 2E was from this cycle. She could've simply survived from an earlier cycle. The Red Girl could've revived a model of her. Or this was another YorHa who simply looked similar to her.

There was one other possibility that lingered in the back of her mind. Her thoughts drifted back to the Tower and her battle with A2.

Where her life was determined by a single decision.

"Your name," 2B said. "Tell me what your name is."

That was the determining factor. How will this copy of her introduce herself? It seemed her other version knew what she was thinking as well. The other 2B sneered.

"My name is 2E. Number 2 Type E."

Shivers went down 2B's spine. She kept telling herself it was impossible. That whatever was in front of her was not that. But that introduction told her everything she needed.

"It's you..." 2B breathed. "It really is you. I...don't know what to say..."

"And you don't have to say a thing," 2E assured, walking forward and putting a hand on 2B's hand. "I can imagine this whole ordeal is overwhelming.

2E looked over 2B, clearly pleased to see her own self. But soon that expression vanished.

"You're not pleased to see me?" 2E asked.

Pleased to see her? Of course 2B wasn't pleased to see her.

"I guess I should've seen that coming," 2E sighed. "Afterall, we are the same, you and I."

2B felt cold. She knew she herself was really 2E. A cold-blooded murderer of countless. But she always fought it. She also knew what stood in front of her was her if she finally stopped fighting. The idea has been tempting. Why did she fight? Why should she care? She certainly let go in her fight against A2. But she stopped herself when she realized that it was all just hollow.

"How much do you know?" 2B asked. "How long have you been watching me?"

"I've been watching you from the start," 2E spoke, pacing around 2B. "I've been around for many cycles. Too many to count by this point. And I've never seen any similar to my experience...until now."

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