Two Versus Two

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'If you take too long, it may be too late to take action.'

Pod 153: Pod 042...I should have listened. 2B...A2...9S...I'm sorry. I failed of you. I failed all of you.

In the abandoned city, things were almost peaceful.


It would be if it weren't for the giant animals stampeding away. Their instincts helped them to survive and that instinct was telling them to flee.

Flee from the sounds echoing across the city.

Flee from the rumble that shook the buildings.

That sound, that noise, that cacophony, it came from the top of the tower.

The sound that echoed at the top of the tower was not thunder. It was not gunfire nor cannon fire. It was not the dropping of bombs nor the collapse of buildings. It was the sound of swords clashing. Metal upon metal impacting so hard that the sharp crack sounded like dynamite as two devastating war machines threw themselves at each other with everything they had, their bodies fueled by raw hatred and their eyes burning with fire. It was the sound of two forces of nature clashing in a manner that had they been on the ground the devastation they would have wrought would look like the end times.

They were throwing everything they had at each other, charging in with their weapons and hitting each other with enough force it was like a stick of dynamite went off. The ground was torn asunder by their attacks, giant chunks of debris tossed up any time a missed attack hit the ground. Their swords would hit so hard that the shockwave from the impact would kick up dust in a bubble around them. They moved so quickly it was like two bolts of lightning streaking across the tower. They summoned swords with their NFCS and launched them at each other, the missed blades impacting the ground with relativistic speeds and creating craters like meteors hitting the ground. They would pick up the giant chunks of debris and hurl them at each other. Anything to win the fight.

A2 lunged at 2E. A2 was always one to get what she wanted. And she wanted 2E dead. She slashed at 2E, the executioner leaping and flipping out of the way as the swords sliced up the ground and sent a fine powder into the air. 2E landed on the ground and picked up a chunk of debris. This thing was the size of a car and 2E threw it at A2. The attacker model brought her sword down on the piece of debris, the force of the slice cracking the chunk of rock in half and sending the two pieces careening in either direction.

2E pulled out her spear and threw it at A2. A2 managed to catch the tip of the spear with her blade. But the thing was flying so fast she was still pushed across the ground before she managed to parry it away. The bang was so loud any human caught in the area would have their eardrums ruptured. 2E quickly equipped Virtuous Grief, her gargantuan metal gauntlets. These would not be so easily parried. She punched the air, launching her metal gloves like cannonballs at A2, each one moving so fast that the bang was not from the launch but from the gauntlets breaking the sound barrier. A2 was forced to dodge past them not once but twice, the metal samurai helmets flying past then flying back onto 2E's fists.

A2 rushed forward, Cruel Oath in one hand and Cruel Blood Oath in the other, 9S's standard and large swords. She quickly sliced the air in front of 2E's face before bringing her large sword down. The missed strike erected a wall of dust.

2E was an executioner. She's had to fight all sorts of android models each with their own fighting styles. And so she's had to be versatile, able to change tactics on the fly. But A2 was built for front line combat, and she had a strong preference for hacking them to pieces up close and personal. All her knowledge of ranged combat was inherited from 9S. A2 may not have been as versatile, but she was confident she was better at close range than 2E.

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